5: Suspicion

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The birds had already sang their morning song by the time Kest woke up from her slumber. Stretching her arms, she yawned. Beside her, May seemed to be in a deep sleep. Irratated, she shook her violently.
  "May! May, wake up!" After a few pushs, her eyes squinted open. She yawned.
  "What is it, Kest?" Kest glared at her, her hands fisted tightly. May got up. "Woah, woah, woah! Wait a minute, Kest. Please you don't understand!"
  "Oh? What is?" The bedroom door bursted opened. An offical came rushing in.
  "Princess Hope, please wake up!  You must go to the throne room quickly! You have a tight schedule today!" he boomed. He blinked twice at the two girls in a mangled mess, but didn't comment on it. May, managing to get out of Kest's grasp, dusted herself before getting out of bed.
  "I guess this is how it is, Kest. How about I tell you another time?" She walked over to her closet.
  "Tonight." She turned her head, to see Kest stare with the most intimidating eyes. "Tonight you tell me everything." May gulped. Kest turned and left the room at a quick pace, leaving May all alone.


Deep in thought, May's mind seemed to wander as she walked down the long corridors. It had taken her 30 minutes to get ready today, the fastest she's ever been. She had refused the maids from dressing her due to the lack of privacy. She took the role upon herself, but it had been problematic to get used to. The dress, accessories and even the shoes that hid beneath the dress were important or so they say. But today, she didn't feel as happy as she thought she would be. As she walked, she met with people along the way, they bowed their heads in respect. She couldn't but help but act superior, even when most of them were older than her by the miles.

As she drew near the throne room, the doors opened wide for her entrance, like they did every single day. An offical announcing her arrival. She took in a big breath.
  "Just let this be over with already." She stood in front of the publicity and strolled down to the throne. Everyone penatrated their eyes on her, watching her very step. This she could not get used to. She took her place on the throne and the people started strolling in.
"Princess Hope, due to your delay. Many requests have come in and need your assistance. After that..." She leaned back on her seat, making herself comfortable. This was going to be a long day.


Her feet were killing her.  Taking her heels off, she wobbled unsteady. She began to miss the life she had outside the palace. She didn't really hate her job, it was more like a restraining order. Out there she didn't have to wear heels all day or wear fluffy dresses enough that made you fall. But now she was on the run. They had brought her into the dining room, where she had dashed off. She didn't want to eat. She couldn't. Not with everyone watching her. What she wanted was time to herself. She let out a deep sigh. Then, all of a sudden, her body slammed into the wall. She bounced back, landing on her bottom.
"Are you ok?" She looked up to see Lief's beautiful blue eyes. He held a hand out while getting on his knees. "Please... Allow me."
"Oh...Um." Caught out of her trance, she stumbled to get up, only to fall again. "I-I'm sorry, I'll just-" Her aching foot couldn't hold her and she fell into his arms. Embarrassed, May looked the other way, her grip very tight.
"Are we interrupting something?" asked Teru, wiggling his eyebrows curiously. Nebe, who was besides him, smirked. Surprised, May pushed Lief to the side frantically.
"I-I'm sorry!" she cried, her face red as a tomato. Her feet, throbbing in pain, let her down again and she stumbled. Lief in an instant came to her aid, catching her bridal style. The two others grinned at what their saw.
"It's a misunderstanding!" she cried, while covering her face.
"What is?" asked Lief. Teri pointed at  them. Looking up and down, Lief's face began to turn red.
"It's as she says! I did not mean-"
"It's fine," said May, getting down. "If you didn't help me back there. My ankle would have been dislocated." She turned to Teri and Nebe, and bowed.
"Hello Nebe. Teru. Now if you will excuse me, I am late for lunch." She headed back toward the dining room.
"Do you need any-"
"I'll be fine, Lief." And with that, she made her leave. Their eyes followed her until she was out of sight. Nebe turned back to Lief, frowning.
"Lief I need you keep an eye on her."
"What for?" he asked, confused. Nebe crosses her arms.
"Just do it. I need to confirm my suspicions." Teru looked at her.
"You still think she's really hiding something from us, don't you," he asked.Nebe nodded and sighed.
"I just feel that she's unnecessarily keeping things from us. I don't want her to subject herself to that. I want her to be able to tell us anything, you know?" Lief nodded.
"I understand." He looked in the direction of the dining room, a smile forging on his lips.
"She does seem to be uneasy from time to time." He turned back to Nebe. "But then again, what can you expect from a future queen?"
"A lot," said Nebe, she placed her cloak over her head. "Please find out what you can and report to me. We have to do something about it soon." Lief remained silent.
"Think of it as a favour. I'm counting on you, Lief." She made her way out with Teru not so far behind. His eyes clouded in his thoughts.
  When they were out of sight, Nebe pushed him against the wall.
"W-What is it?!" squeaked Teru, his heart pounding loudly. Nebe gave him a good, long glare.
"It seems like you have something to say to me. Spill it now."
"Okay, okay. I'll tell you. Just let me go first." Nebe released him and gave him some space.
"Speak." Rubbing his chest, Teru's eyes looked around hesitantly.
"Well, I knew you had your suspicions. But why Lief?"
"Because he's the best person for the job."
"Im not really trusted her because I am a daughter of the wrench. But in those circumstances May urged me to stay. I believe that Lief is willing to do anything to help restore Deltora and he maybe good at looking for clues, playing detective here and there. But that's not why I told him."
"Then why?" Nebe just smirked.
"Love is strong enough to break down even the toughest of walls."


Evening came and Lief made his way out of blacksmith's shop, finishing the day's work. He headed towards the dormitory's until he was in sight of May's bedroom. In the corner of his eye, he saw Kest approach the front door and he quickly took cover. He watched as he tapped her foot in rythme with a song she had mentioned to be an old folks song from her village. May soon came into view, her body worn out from all the responsibilities of a queen. She looked up to see Kest waiting by her door and she slouched down even more, sighing.
"Tonight you explain everything," said Kest, her face full of seriousness. May, too tired to fight at all, nodded restlessly.
"Yes, yes," she opened the door with the strength she had left. "Come in." When Kest entered the room, May looked around twice before locking the door behind her.
Curiosity killed the cat and Lief rushed over the door soundlessly, pressing his ear against the door. He heard muffles of laughter and talking. He adjusted his ear. He recognised Kest's voice first.
"Explain yourself." He heard some mumbling.
"It's... complicated," said a soft voice, unmistakably May's.
"More complicated than telling your friends?" asked Kest.
"That could never be the case." Her voice sounded alarmed.
"Alright. Alright. Sit back down," said Kest.
"It seems that I'm—" Her voice cut off. Lief leaned in as close as he could, but it didn't change the fact their voices were inaudible. He knew she was saying something important and he groaned in frustration knowing this. Their voices stayed soft for around a minute. Their voices still inaudible to him.
"Shouldn't it be broken?" He could hear them again thanks to Kest's loud voice. "I mean you did come back." A few moments pasted before May answered back.
"I know that all her spells have been broken except for mine. It must mean she used a different sort of magic. Something entirely not of her own..." Pause. "It was some time ago when I concluded if I were to disperse, I would cease to exist. It must be the reason why I'm still bounded."
"Can't you find a way to break it?"
"If I were to do that, I would have to-" Another pause. "I would rather not experience that."
"I see. So it's out of your control," remarked Kest, clapping her hands. May sighed with relief.
"So you understand!" Understand? Lief stood up, dusting his clothes. There was still a lot he did not know and it made him more curious. He heard more murmurs before there was silence. He walked back to his room in deep thought, his mind filled with many questions. It made him restless and agitated. He went to bed with one thought in his mind. What is May hiding and what does Kest know about it?

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