4: Return

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May looked at Kest wishfully, playing with her hair continuously.
" So, um... Kest. How do you like it here?"
Kest thought for a moment, then shook her head.
'' No bad, I guess. But still prefer Deltora better. It's gonna take some time to get used too." She smiled. May playfully pushed her. "Hey. You forgot to show me one more thing,'' she exclaimed. May stopped frantically.
" What did I forget?"
" Your sister?" May stood up immediately, remembering her purpose here.
"Amy, you're talking about Amy!" Her facial expressions changed." Yeah... I'm just gonna go get her..."
Kest waited patiently on the the bed as May left the room, glumly. Her eyes caught sight of the cupboard and her interest grew rapidly. She walked over to it when the door was opened slowly by May. Kest scratched her head.
" Um... So where is she?" May's eyes narrowed and Kest laughed nervously. She turned back to the door and allowed space for another to walk in. She was small and petite. Her light, blonde hair pulled to a side ponytail and her ocean-blue eyes sparkling with delight. She put her hands together.
" You must be Kest! May told me all about you. Never believed her until now!" She shook hands with her.
" Well, I'm definitely real. You must be May's little sister." Amy's head nodded, vigorously. She continued to stare at her face.
" Um. Is there something on my face?" asked Kest, confused. Amy ignored her.
" Can I touch your hair?"
" Sure..." Amy screamed with delight and sat her down. Her hands fiddling amongst the strands. Kest looked at May, body stiff. May laughed, nervously.
" I guess she can be eccentric at times... Hope you like her." Kest shook her head.
" Hey! Hey!" cried Amy." No moving. I know the perfect design for you!" Kest looked straight, biting her tongue from saying anything unnecessary. May watched from a distance, admiring the two of them.
" You know, I think braids would look good on you," stated Amy.
" Have you ever been a hair stylist before?" asked Kest. Amy just grinned and continued braiding. Stumped, Kest continued to ask questions and they conversed with each other. May went around the room, cleaning bits and pieces. Putting things back to the original place. When Kest wasn't looking she hid her collections in a different location, when she noticed the sunset through the window.
" Amy, I think it's time for Kest to go back home," said May, slowly. She groaned.
" Why? Her parents could wait a little bit longer."
" Actually, they can't," said May. Amy didn't budge. Frustrated, she started to pull her out the room. "So I just need you pull to step out pull of this room. That would be pull very much pull appreciated." Amy didn't seem to agree with this, but let May drag her out the room.
" It was nice to meet you, Kest. I hope we can become good friends," she said, a mischievous smile crawled onto her face. May shook her head in dismay.
" Time to get out, you little rascal." She shut the door behind her, then turned back to Kest.
" It's time to go back."
" Back?" asked Kest. " What do you mean, go back?" She tilted her head. May packed away other necessary things in the room and rushed back to Kest.
" We need to go to Deltora. And we need to go now!" She said, desperately. She tried to pull Kest down, but Kest stopped. Her hand firmly on her arm.
" First of all, you need to calm the hell down. I for one don't know what on earth just happened today, everything here-"
" There's no time!" cried May. She shoved her down." Close your eyes."
Kest reluctantly closed her eyes, her mouth twitching. May held her her hand and took a deep breath. They closed their eyes, letting the darkness take over them as the sun went down over the horizon.

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