Chapter 24

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The next few days were extremely busy. I had a modeling shoot with a local boutique and had my first interview and David had been busy working on his vlog. I hadn't really seen him much actually, our schedules were the complete opposite.
It's become a trend for my meetings to be fairly early in the morning, and then a shoot or fitting early to mid-afternoon.
David, however, would film relatively late and sleep late. He says that he has the most creativity for the vlogs at night.
So I would be gone by the time he got up, and he'd usually be getting home when I'm long asleep.

We would usually see each other for a maximum of a few minutes a day, which has been hard. Of course, we text, but it's not the same.

Luckily, David didn't have to film anything tonight, so we decided to stay in and enjoy each other's company.
We decided to watch a movie, and while David flicked through Netflix to find one, I scrolled through Instagram. Suddenly, a picture of David with a short girl, with a brown skin tone and short brown hair popped up.
"What is this?" I asked showing him the picture.

"Oh that's Liza," is all he says as he continues to scroll through Netflix.
"Really?" I ask sitting up.
"You have time to hang out with her, but can't find time to even say more than a few words to me the past couple of days?" I start raising my voice.
"You're getting mad that I hung out with a friend?" He sets the remote down, his full attention now on me.

"I think I have a right to,"
"We were filming! I told you I'd be busy filming as I have a huge vlog going up," He tries to reason.

"And you didn't ask me to tag along or be apart of the vlog or anything any of the days? Do you not want to see me?"
"That's ridiculous. Where is this all coming from?" He says throwing his hands up in the air.

"David, are you cheating on me?" I ask with a calm voice.
"No what the fuck? She's literally a friend that was helping me film! Stop overreacting,"
I don't say anything but just look at him. I decide to click on her name since he tagged her in the picture, and saw that she posted the same picture with the caption "my favorite white boy."

"So there's nothing going on between you?" I say shoving the phone in his face so he could see the caption. He squints his eyes before looking back up at me, but I'm already halfway out of the room.
"Where are you going? There's absolutely nothing going on between us," He yells after me.
"I'm going to stay somewhere else tonight. You better figure out who's more important. Me or her," I say slamming the door. I stop in the hall and take a deep breath, before heading out of the house to the driveway.
I hop in my car and drive to Scott and Todd's. They told me I could come and stay here any time, so I'm going to see if I could take them up on that tonight. I'm hoping I can figure out what's actually going on with David and Lisa, I think her name was.
By the time I pulled up to their house, tears were streaming down my face. I sit in the car for a minute to try to get myself together, before knocking on their door.
"Taylor?" I hear as Todd opens the door for me. He instantly pulls me into a hug when he sees the dried tears on my face, that are now covered with fresh ones.
"What's going on?" He asks as he leads me to the couch.
"I think David cheated on me," I manage to get out.
"What are you talking about?" He asks as he tries to pull me away from his chest, but fails as I grip tightly onto him.

I pull out my phone, and with shaky hands, pull up the caption on the girl's picture. Todd takes my phone and sighs when he sees it.
"What's going on?" I recognize as Alex's voice says as he walks in. Todd shows him the picture and caption, and Alex storms out of the house, not saying a word.
"Where's he going?"

"Probably to talk to David," He says rubbing my back. I pull my head up for the first time to see the mess of tears and mascara I've made on his shirt.

"I'm sorry for your shirt," I say making eye contact with him. He just chuckles and shakes his head.
"I could care less about my shirt,"

We sit there quietly, and eventually, I feel myself slowly drifting off. Todd notices, and whispers to me to fall asleep, which was the only motivation I needed to completely drift off.


"Where is she?"
"Is she here?"
"Is she okay?"

"Yes David she's here,"
"Is she okay?"

"She's fine. She's sleeping."
"I need to see her."
"I don't think it's the best time."
"I need to see my girlfriend dammit."
I hear before the door opens. I guess Todd moved me to his bed after I fell asleep.
I was greeted by David, who looked like shit. He had dark bags under his eyes, he was wearing the same clothes as last night and his eyes were bloodshot.
"Oh thank god you're okay," He says running over to me, ready to pull me into a hug, but I scoot back as far as I could in the bed. The heartbreak was obvious in his eyes, and he backed up.
"I'll let you guys talk, okay?" Todd asks me and I nod. He quietly shut the door, and I turn my attention to David.

"That's all you have to say? I was worried sick about you," He says quietly, as he sits on the edge of the bed.

"There isn't much more to say," I don't look up at him, and instead pick at my fingernails.
"I talked to Liza," He says. Ah Liza right. That's her name.

"That's great,"
"Can you look at me so I can explain," He yells causing me to jump.
"I'm sorry," He says softly, and I nod.

"I went to her place last night to see why she posted that caption. She took us filming the wrong way, and considered it a date," He says and I wince.

"It wasn't a date. We're friends and I thought that's how I saw it. We're both youtubers so it was just supposed to be a friendly collab."
"I told her I have a girlfriend, you, and she suddenly felt bad." He explains. It starts making a little bit more sense.

"I never would cheat on you, ever. I love you, Taylor, unlike anyone I ever have," He says putting a finger under my chin, so I would look in his eyes. The sadness and heartbreak in his eyes made me want to cry, knowing I caused it. 

"I love you," Are the only words I say, and I see him visibly relax, pulling me toward him.

 "I missed you so fucking much," 

"I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. I guess I've never had a relationship that was so sincere and real as this, and I'm just used to being paranoid about everything," 

"No Taylor. You have absolutely nothing to apologize about. You had every right to assume, I should be the one that's sorry," He says pulling away from our hug. 

"Let's just forget this happened, yeah?" I ask and he nods pulling me in for a kiss.

 "I'm so glad to have you back." 


Oh come on Liza!!

Hope you enjoyed!

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