Chapter 5: argue much?

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Hi! Imma skip the intro! Bye!

(y/n) POV before you were kidnapped

Jeff trained me and showed me some neat moves! Jeff," hey you caught on pretty well! Take a break!"me," alright!" i stood there And put my hands on my hips.Jeff," next we'll get ya weapon of your choice!" me," k!" i smiled and sat down and looked at the sky. Jeff,"ah!what the-"zalgo," shh!" Me," huh?" i look at jeff and see zalgo tied him to a tree! Me," jeff! Zalgo let him go!" zalgo," queen im afraid i can't do that!" me," why not?" zalgo," cause he'll interfere with our relationship!" me," huh?" zalgo," he'll stop me from taking you to your home with me!" me," fight me then!" zalgo," no! I don't want to hurt you!" me," well you tied jeff to a tree so basically that's an act of attack!" i lit my lighter and attack zalgo. He dodges them and he has a worried expression on his face. Zalgo," i don't want to fight you! Please stop!" me," what?" zalgo,* i don't want to fight you! Just come with me and talk! Please?" i was shocked but i stopped attacking him and stared at him.he smiled and walked towards me. While he did that i untied jeff with my flames and zalgo opened a portal. Zalgo," lets go." me," bye jeff! Take care and don't bother to look for me! There are others more important than me!" zalgo grabbed my hand and gently pulled me in the portal and it closed. Zalgo," welcome home (y/n)!" i look around and see chandeliers with flames as lights. The room was dark but was lightish. There was a red bed with pillows a queen size. me," oh flames!" zalgo smiles as i admire the chandelier. Zalgo," glad you like it!" i smiled as the room becomes lighter with a reddish glow. Then the door opens and a flame tiger runs in. It tackles me and licks my face. I giggled cause it reminds me of my wolves and bear. Me," hey there!" it stopped and i sat up. I pet him and he purrs. Me," your so cute! What's his name?" i look at zalgo who was staring at me and blushing. Zalgo," huh?! Oh uh flamer. His name is flamer." me," hi flamer! Im (y/n)!" flame laid down besides me and rested his head on my lap. I chuckled and pet him. Zalgo," uh you wanna see the rest of the place?" me," hm? Sure!" flamer stood and i stood up. Flamer then got in between my legs and i sat on his back. Me," you want me to ride you?" he nods and i smiled. Me," okay if you want me to then okay!" zalgo," *mumbles* that's adorable!" i look at zalgo and smiled. Me," alright i guess we explore!" zalgo," don't drop her flamer!" me," he won't drop me!" zalgo," okay. C'mon!" flamer walked behind zalgo as he showed me around. There was demon guards looking at me and i smile at them. Zalgo looks at me from time to time and its cute! Zalgo," and this is the throne room! The room i hate!" me," why?" zalgo," father won't let me in cause he thinks im not worthy of entering!" he frowns and growled a little.I got off flamer and grabbed zalgos hand. He looks at me surprised and i smiled at him. Me," he's wrong if he thinks your not worthy! I think you are and i think he should be too!" he smiled and he squeezed my hand gently. Zalgo," thanks." me," anytime!" zalgo," hm. Your perfect for me!" me," what?" zalgo," its why your my queen!" he let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my waist. Zalgo," lets go back to my room." me," uh okay." he smiled and grabbed my hand and let go of my waist. He pulled me through the halls then he froze. And pulled me back and into a small room. Me," what-" zalgo," shh! Please!" me," okay?" he was super close to me and i blushed when i saw him look at me. I turned my head to the right a little uncomfortable. He put his hand on my face and he turned my head so i can see him. He smiled at me and kissed me. I had no clue what to do but my eyes fluttered shut and i kissed him back. He stopped at looked at me. Zalgo," you kissed me back?" me," it felt right and i had a feeling that made me wanna do it." he smiled then we heard whispering. Splendor," *whisper* slender do you think she is alright?" slender," *whisper* of course she is! She is a-" trender," *whisper* ow! Offender you stepped on my foot!" offender," *whisper* sorry! Its hard to sneak around the devils castle when the guards can be anywhere!" slender," *whisper* shut up or we'll get caught!" trender," shh!" splendor," shh!" offender," shh!" slender," im the one who told you shush!" guard," SLENDER MAN AND BROTHERS HAVE INFILTRATED THE CASTLE!" slender," fucking shit!" offender," way da go slender man!" slender," well you shouldn't have been an idiot!" offender," not my fault! They told me to shush!" slender," just shut up already!" guard," the devil, zalgo and future queen (y/n) would meet you in the throne room! They will decide what to do with you!" trender," *sarcastic* ha ray." splendor," wait (y/n) will be there!" slender," well at least we'll see of she's okay." foot steps faded and we got out the room.Zalgo," *sarcastic* ha ray i always wanted to question the enders!" i chuckled and he smiled. Zalgo," c'mon lets go to the throne room!" me," alright!" he grabbed my hand and we went to the throne room. I smiled as i see the enders and they perk up when they see me. Me," hi guys!" i ran to them and hugged them. Slender," are you alright? Did they hurt you?" me," im fine-" guard," let go of the queen!" me," im fine! They're okay!" guard,* but your majesty they are foe's!" me," they're friends! And call me (y/n)!" guard," as you wish (y/n)!" zalgo," hey (y/n) i think we should get away before my father gets here-" devil," the enders! Why have you broken in this time?" slender," we came to get (y/n) back after zalgo kidnapped her!" devil," oh no no no! She is gonna be queen of the under realm!"Me," wait I thought they were joking!" guard," no we are not. Zalgo picks who he wants to love and brings them to the under realm to become his queen!" me," oh.......Oh I'm that someone!" trender," she can't be a ruler just yet! She's too young and innocent!" zalgo," that doesn't matter here! Here what ever age she is means she's 5 years older!" me," yall lost me at ruler!" splendor," don't worry (y/n) we'll get you out of here!" zalgo," no one is taking (y/n) away!" slender," the girl is confused zalgo! She can't rule a whole kingdom!" me," what?!" they just argue on why i can't rule and how confused i am. But really i have no clue what the fuck they're saying! Ruler, queen, stay,leave, zalgo angry, slender making a point, devil watching intrigued, and the guards close to me making sure im safe. I sigh and flamer came next to me. I smiled and sat down and pet him.

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