00 - Prologue

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Edited: 10/24/2021

00 - Prologue

Introducing Eliza


Star City has been in a state of gloom and overcast skies for the last week and a half.

Today is no different. The sky is cloudy and it has been drizzling on and off since the early morning. The streets are coated in oily water puddles and the sidewalks are crowded with umbrellas. Every now and then, someone would honk their horn.

Most city folks had risen some time ago and are now stuck in traffic and are grumpy. Others are going about their day running errands or meeting up with friends from a nearby neighborhood for a quick cup of coffee. This is made easier by a relatively new coffee shop located on Starling Boulevard close to the residential side of Star City.

Inside, the temperature is kept at a flat seventy degrees Fahrenheit for the customers as it is slightly chilly outside. A few decorative plants hang from hanging planters above the main counter from the loft above while the tables are tastefully decorated with small, glass vases of flowers and different greenery. In some places, there are some small puddles that have formed from incoming customers' umbrellas and rain gear. However, the water is constantly mopped up by one of the cafe workers.

Despite being nearly six-thirty in the afternoon, there are quite a few people sitting at tables, chatting peacefully with steaming mugs of coffee, chai tea, or some other type of hot drink.

Behind the front counter, a petite woman stands with her store's apron tied around her neck and a simple but sweet smile dressing her features. Her shoulder-length, brown hair is tied back but a few strands frame her face as they have come undone from the long day of work.

Even though she is tired, she still treats each and every one of her customers with kindness, even if some of them don't deserve it. Eliza knows that some of them are perhaps having a bad day and that they don't mean it. But she also knows that some of them are just like that and there is nothing she can do about it. All Eliza can do is smile and nod as they vent to her.

"Have a good rest of your evening, ma'am," Eliza says as she hands the grumpy woman her receipt.

The woman snatches the piece of paper and abruptly turns away to wait at the other end of the counter for her steamed milk tea. Eliza eyes her wearily as another customer steps up to the counter, one of whom she's familiar with.

"Good evening, Eliza!" The elder man greets with a smile. His joyful attitude is like a blanket of comfort to the young woman and quickly makes her feel better.

"Hello, Mr. Hooch, how are you today?" She grins, feeling the sickly knot of dread in her stomach lull.

"I am doing well, thank you," Mr. Hooch replies with a light tone, "I'll have the usual please."

"Of course," Eliza smiles, tapping his order into the register, "Would you like to add anything else to your order?"

"No, I think that'll be it," He replies, dropping a twenty into the tip jar, "Well actually, add one of your famous chocolate chip muffins on there, would ya?"

"Of course!"

Even though some customers cause a ruckus and throw fits, Eliza found herself always counting on her kinder, more well-mannered customers to make everything better. Though sometimes, the kindness of others doesn't always help. Sometimes, at the end of a particularly long week, Eliza would find herself hiding in the kitchen as her nerves became frayed from overly talkative people.

When she is finally able to return home at the end of the day, Eliza would curl up on her couch with a blanket draped over her legs (if it is rainy or chilly) and have a good fictional book and a cup of hot chamomile tea nearby. If she thought about it before getting comfortable, she would sometimes turn on some classical piano music too. This is how Eliza calmed down. She couldn't ever really bring herself to go jogging or run errands immediately after work even if she wanted to as there are always too many people doing that very same thing.

If she did want to hit the gym or run errands, Eliza would either get up early and do those things before work or take the day off entirely. It really depended on the day and her mood.

"Hey, Hailey, take the counter please," Eliza calls to the blonde behind her, "I need to take care of some things in the back."

"Sure thing," The girl replies with a smile as she steps up behind her boss, "Everything alright?"

Eliza nods.

Whenever she claims the need to take care of something in the back, her workers knew that she needed to take a break. Especially, those who have worked for Eliza since she first opened her shop nearly two years ago.

"Yeah, just need a break," The brunette replies quietly, "That and I need to print out everyone's checks. I'll be back shortly."

"No need," Hailey grins, "We close in an hour, I should be fine."

"Are you sure? I know you don't like working the counter very much."

"I'm sure!"

With that, the petite woman ducks behind the rotating door and heads to her office located in the back. On her way, she waves to a few other kids who are making cookies or beginning to clean up for the day just as she had taught them.

"Good leadership leads to good workers," Eliza mumbles pleasantly, quoting something she had heard her father tell her eldest brother when they were children, "Good workers lead to a good work environment."

As she pushes open her office door, Eliza lets a sigh escape her lips. It's much quieter back here with the exception of clattering mugs and pans but that doesn't bother her. Not like the constant chatter of people.

"Busy out there?" Someone asks.

"Yeah," Eliza nods, dropping down into her chair, "We are as busy as usual."

The person hums in response, "I went over sales and logged everything for you already. I was just about to compare them to last year's before you came back here."

"Thanks, Becca," Eliza replies, glancing at the computer screen, "You always take the extra step."

Becca grins, "I try."

"Well, thank you."


"Don't you have a date tonight?"

"Yep! Brady finally asked me out."

"Really? Good for him."

Becca laughs, "Yeah."

"You should get going then, it's nearly seven."


"Yes, now go! I don't want to be the cause of you being late to your first date."

"Pfft! I can get ready in half an hour, I'll be fine."

Eliza eyes the girl with a motherly look of dismay, "No, this is your first date and you are going to take the time to get ready. Go home. You'll thank me for it."

"Okay, okay! No need to break out the motherly voice on me."

"Listen, until you give yourself more time and stop overworking yourself, I will mother you," Eliza declares, "Now go!"

"Okay, I'm going!" Becca replies, taking up her jacket, "See you Monday!"

"See you Monday!" Eliza calls back. Once she hears the girl leave, she turns to the computer screen.

She has at least an hour to finish the daily paperwork and print out everyone's checks or direct deposit their well-earned money to their bank accounts. Afterward, Eliza can go home and take a shower and maybe read the rest of her book.

With newfound rejuvenation, Eliza sets to work. The simple pleasures in life always seem to spark small bursts of motivation that help her power through the day.

All the best things in her life are simple, just the way she likes.

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