07 - Trapped

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(Chapter 7)


Eliza felt her eyes grow heavy as she read the book on her lap. The coffee was of no help keeping her awake and after all the events that had happened in the last several hours, her body was exhausted. She had certainly thought both the caffeine and the ever imposing threat on her life would keep her awake from fear. However, her body knew better. She glanced at the ex-CEO at the other end of the couch. He sat in a relaxed manner and didn't look in the least bit tired. How? The question crossed her mind in a fog.

She felt herself nod once, then twice. She brought her hand up to rest her head on. She couldn't stay awake any longer. Eliza felt her body relax as her conscious began to drift.

Ray watched the brunette nod off and smiled. When her breath finally evened out, he stood from his seat and took the book off her lap. Placing it on the coffee table, he turned back to her and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch to lay over her.

"Hey, Ray, still quiet over there?" Sara's voice came through the Bluetooth com in his ear.

"Yep, Eliza just fell asleep."

"That's understandable. Everything is quiet here, too. And the others have not heard or seen anything out of the ordinary," Sara replied, "Yet."

"What do you mean, 'yet?'"

"Rip told us that since we came up with this plan, Elizabeth's death date returned to tonight, just later in the evening. However, there was no specific time to when she was found dead because her body wasn't found until nearly a week later by her older brother, Adam Thompson."

Ray remained silent for a moment, "That's terrible."

"Yeah, well, keep your eyes peeled. We're not going to let anything get passed us if this woman's kid is important as Rip says they are."


"Alright, I'll check in again in a bit."

"Okay," Ray replied lowering his hand from his ear. He glanced at Eliza. She seemed so peaceful while sleeping and it was sad to think that someone would target such a nice woman as her. Ray sighed and pulled his exosuit from his pocket. He walked over the side of the living space and pressed a button on the suit. Placing it on the ground, it began to grow to its original size. Hopefully, nothing will happen, but when had nothing ever happened?


Sara marched around the roof of Eliza's apartment building, keeping an eye out for anything or anyone. If anything was going to happen, it would have surely occurred by now, right? The blonde looked down over the edge of the building to see Amaya on one of the lower balconies. She offered the woman a wave and a smile before looking around. She had a bird's eye view from where she stood on the building. Nothing could pass her without her noticing. The blonde sighed and began walking around the perimeter again when suddenly, she caught movement out the corner of her eye.

She pressed her hand to the com system in her ear, "Guys, I have movemen-" She was jerked back suddenly and tossed across the roof of the building. Her body struck the low wall knocking the air out of her.

"Sara? Sara? Are you alright?" Amaya's voice came through the earbud.

"Yeah... just got thrown across the roof... that's all." Sara replied painfully, "Something's here. I think it's going after Elizabeth."

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