02 - The Saving

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(Chapter 2)


*graphic made by Yours Truly (AshSeadreamer)

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*graphic made by Yours Truly (AshSeadreamer)


The alarm next to her bed screamed angrily as it's bell made the clock rattle on the nightstand. Eliza raised her hand above the noise maker and laid it down over the small hammer to silence it's ringing. Then, she turned over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly, she felt a weight creep its way up the foot of her bed and sit on her stomach. Looking down, she stared into the eyes of her calico cat.

"Hey there, Paco." She smiled. The cat meowed once and lifted its paw as if to tell her something. Eliza giggled as she raised her hand to play with the animal's paw. "Yes, hello."

The cat meowed again and jumped off the bed. Eliza watched as her pet stalked toward the stairs. Paco turned around and gave her a look, meowed. "You want me to get up, don't you?" Eliza climbed out of her bed and Paco continued down the steps.

"So, you hungry?" She asked the cat jokingly earning what looked to be a glare from the animal. Eliza laughed as she opened a can of cat food, "You are so spoiled." Paco tapped the canned food with his paw then bent to smell it. Once he deemed the mush acceptable, he dug in. Eliza scoffed and turned to make herself a cup of coffee.

Eliza leaned against the counter with her arms crossed. "I have the whole morning before work." The cat eyed her and stopped eating. "Are you gonna say something?" Eliza asked the animal as she poured a spoonful of sugar into her mug. The cat kept it's eye on her for moment longer before letting out a whining meow. "That's what I thought."

Eliza turned back to her coffee and stilled another large spoonful into the hot liquid. She liked her coffee sweet. Much sweeter than what most people enjoyed and she was known for it among her employees. They always say she liked coffee with her cream and sugar. Eliza smiled at the thought and continued stirring her sweet coffee.

She needed to run a few errands before work. Which meant she needed to leave as soon as she finished her drink and got dressed. She glanced at the clock. She had two and a half hours, give or take, until she had to get ready for work. Eliza huffed and picked up her mug. She poured its contents into a thermos and placed a lid over the top of it before climbing back up her loft's stairs.

Eliza stepped out of the empty elevator she had ridden down in and took a breath of cool air. Time to do some errand shopping. She released the breath and pulled the polka-dotted umbrella from her tote bag and headed toward the doors leading to the street.

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