life in shinju

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Life in shinju was hard for hae soo. So would go back to the kangs and not return for days. When he did he was usually bruised. Lady kang was a bit crazy at times she seemed to like So others hated him. So said he preferred being in shinju because when he usually went home he was treated like a monster but here though cruel he was treated like a human. He told Soo he used to wish his family loved him. How he wished to please them but not anymore.

Soo became a perfect noble lady. She learnt to make medicines of the future to help lady oh and her cousin which she sent to them weekly. She prepared make up. One day she applied it on so. He was shocked to see his skin flawless. She taught him how to apply it. He was grateful. One day after a year and a half in shinju they got drunk at a party at the kang residence. The kangs adored hae Soo even so's adopted mother. The two became so drunk they threatened to kill everyone if they did not get married. Fearing the wolfdog's temper they did as asked. So and Soo woke up with serious hangovers.

When they heard what happened So wanted to divorce Soo but she refused saying she loved her ring. They kept the rings on their necklaces around their necks hidden under their clothes. They never mentioned their wedding night knowing what they had done. Soo finally told Wang so the truth. He didn't call her crazy but told her he hoped she would stay for a long time. She even taught him modern writing and about medicine , poison and how to cure and detect poison. Soon hae Soo had to leave. They said their good byes and she left telling him they would be together soon. She told him she hoped he would take off the mask since his scar was covered. He said no so he would not forget her.

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