moonlovers: what if

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Soo couldn't help but to love the feel of his arm around her. "Hae Soo" soo froze in So's arms. She faced her cousin. She looked horrified. Soo would have chuckled if the situation wasn't serious. Who knew being held by the fourth prince could cause such an uproar.

So watched everyone's faces. Yo seemed unfazed, wook seemed furious, won looked curious, eun looked terrified, baek ah looked to be questioning, Jung looked angry and their sister was furious. So gracefully descended from the horse. He gently placed his hands on Soo's waist and put her down. He expected her to go to her cousin but she remained by his side.

"Hae Soo come here" wook commanded. So watched as she took a step back to stand a little bit behind him. Her actions confused everyone. Myung hee saw her cousin and knew she wouldn't be leaving the fourth Prince. She spoke "may we all go back inside for tea and speak of this matter". Everyone walked inside leaving the two behind. So watched as his wife walked in the other direction.

" Aren't you coming inside" "with all those princes and that hateful princess no besides I have a punishment to finish" " punishment" So growled. His wife the 4th princess of goryeo was being punished. "It's fair your Highness after all noone knows I am your wife and its a good excuse to avoid your family see you your Highness". So scoffed he had married a crazy girl. He walked into the room where everyone was and sat in a chair a bit away from everyone. Since he was the disgraced wolfdog he placed his feet up and closed his eyes knowing none would dare question him.

Meanwhile the king astronomer and crown Prince had heard of what had happened in the market." So he rode away with the girl towards his brother's residence" "yes your majesty" ji mong responded. "Does anyone want to go for tea at the 8th Prince's residence" the two stared at the king in shock the king never left the palace. "Prepare an inconspicuous carriage I  going to have tea with my children.

Noone in the room wanted to ask about hae soo as they feared the 4th prince. They continued drinking their tea with occasional conversation. It was at that moment Chae ryung barged in. " 8th prince the the the the king is here". Everyone froze in their place. Before they could act the king was announced. Everyone immediately stood and bowed. Wang So remained seated eyes closed. He knew his father was there but to be honest he didn't find it in himself to care. He blamed it on hae soo for his aloofness. Everyone watched him from the corner of their eye. Most knew he wasn't sleeping. The king was shocked at an open act of disrespect. He gestured everyone to sit and he was served tea. Noone dared ask what he was doing even if it was on the tip of their tongue.   " What brings the great Taejo founder and first ruler of goryeo a king before a father to the 8th Prince's residence that too without his many guards" Wang So asked mockingly. To be honest he was having a bad day and only his crazy wife could calm the beast within him. Heavens know he was itching for a fight and a beating too. He thrived on danger and he was sure the king would punish him now but he was not allowing himself to be sent back to shinju even if his relations had improved. " 4th Prince show respect for the king" ji mong admonished flabbergasted by such behavior from him." Leave him ji mong we will deal with this matter later I want to enjoy this time with my children and daughter in law".

Hae Soo ran for her life that horse of her husband was chasing her. She opened the door and barged in. Seeing the fourth Prince she ran to him and began shaking him vigorously. "Hey you idiot open your eyes I know you are not sleeping." Wang so wondered if she knew other people were in the room probably not. "Stop shaking me do you want to lose your life" "ha stop threatening me go control that horse of yours he was chasing me do you want me die of fear that too at such a young age. I have a lot of things to do in my life.   " Such as." "I plan to live long enough to meet my in laws and possibly my grandchildren so keep your crazy horse in line and with a owner like you of course he is crazy." " so I am crazy well you shouldn't be surprised didn't you know people call me the crazy Wolf dog" before Soo could reply a throat was cleared. Annoyed with the interruption they both turned to see the king staring at them with an amused expression. Soo froze she said all that in front of the Royal family. She stared at her husband who had not stopped her rants. And just like that she ran out to save herself from humiliation. Wang so stood just as she had left and followed her out. "Well that was unusual" the king spoke.

Hey guys sorry for the late update things have been kind of hectic. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know the king seems out of character as does the fourth prince but I want to try something different from the drama. The king was too serious and Wang So craved too much attention from his parents. So bear with me and let's see how it goes. My updates may be late but try not to be disappointed. Please vote and comment:)

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