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I know you don't think it's right
I know that you think it's fake
Maybe fake's what I like

Chapter 13 ~ Same Ol' Mistakes

Bobby Cooper

After spending an evening of doing more-than-friendly things with my best friend (courtesy of my dumb decision to make a spit-shake deal), I decided it was time for Ryan to find someone new to experiment on. Because as much as I loved helping a friend out, I had to admit it to myself ... it was kinda weird.

I promised myself and Ryan that I wouldn't let what happened come between our friendship, and I always meant to keep any promise that I made, but that was getting awfully hard to do when my mind kept drifting to thoughts of that intimate moment we shared. It was oddly nice, refreshing even, and it grossed me out to even think that way. Especially not with my best friend.

So I was on a mission to find someone for him so that our friendship wouldn't take a turn for the worse. I had gone through the trouble of spending the entire morning stalking through the halls in search for potential candidates; most people shrugged me off and told me to fuck myself, as most people usually did whenever I tried to carry on a conversation, so it was safe to say that I wouldn't be the key to finding a solution to Ryan's boy problem.

But it seemed as though Ryan was capable of solving his own problems because when I walked into chemistry, he was seated in the lab stool across from preppy Preston, wearing a tight-lipped grin that looked way too fake to be real. His eyes met mine for a brief moment, but as soon as they did, he turned to face Preston and said, "Hey."

Slumping into my designated seat behind of Ryan, I grunted at the mere sight of Ryan giving that asshole the time of day.

Preston piped up from looking at his notes, and pushed his sleeves up to his elbows–a classic preppy Preston move. "Um, hey?" He watched Ryan get settled, but continued to look at him with confusion. "You, uh, you still wanna be my lab partner?"

"Yeah, of course."

There was a moment of silence before Preston proceeded to pry by saying, "You punched me."

"Yeah," Ryan breathed out, "I remember that."

"I remember that ... too–hey, um, am I missing something?"

"You think I'm attractive," Ryan mused, "and I think you're attractive, so let's see where this goes."

"I'm confused."

Ryan let out a deep sigh and turned to face Preston completely. "You want to have sex with me, and I appreciate the offer, I do. But if you're going to get anything out of me, you're going to have to earn it..." He raised a finger in the air, "...starting by taking me out on a date."

I did my best to try to hold in the over-exaggerated groan that was forcing its way out of my throat and if I had more self-preserverence, I probably would've been successful, but because I was thoroughly annoyed with the conversation taking place between them, I made sure to make it known.

Preston looked over his shoulder at me, a smile forming. "You got something in your throat?"

"No, but you got a dick in yours."

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