chapter three

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"The way our school works is completely different from yours. I'll explain to you guys some parts of it, but the rest will be up to someone else since we don't have enough time" said Taylor while waving her hands around for emphasis. Everyone in looked at her, ready for what she was going to say.

"How much different could it be..." Fumikage Tokoyami asked the brunette.

"Oh, very different. In our school we have A and B days that just interchange after one day is completed. A days are completely dedicated to hero studies. B days are regular courses like math and literature. We are keeping you guys together but we encourage you guys to make new friends. There's a lot of things to do in the city, but the only way you can go out to explore is if you inform the student in charge of your dorm building" Taylor said while digging around in her bag.

"Student in charge of the dorm, kero? You guys give students that kind of responsibility, kero?" Asui questioned while putting her hand to her face.

"Yeah, but not just any students have that responsibility. The top students of our school are in charge of each dorm-" Taylor said while the bus came to a screeching halt. "Oh, look! We're here. Okay so this is what's going to happen, everyone is going to come out of the shuttle one at a time. Before you guys walk away, let me hold your hand for about 3 seconds."

Taylor holds up three fingers, "After that, I'll give you a key with a room number. There is going to be another person outside the shuttle. You have to show them the room number on your key and your luggage, then you will get a tour, alright?"

Everyone replies with an okay and proceeds to gather their stuff. After a mad blushing fest from holding Taylor's hand, everyone is off the bus. Taylor wishes them a farewell in English, everyone being surprised that they actually understood what she said.

Midoriya looked the his left, and sees a girl with pale skin, black hair, and piercing violet eyes. She smiles a him, leading him to blush all over again. She walks over to him and held out her hand, "I'm Via, it's Midoriya...right?"

Midoriya shook his head at lightning speed. "Here, Taylor gave me maps of campus that you guys could use. Could you hand them to your friends? I got to deal with your luggage" Via said while tossing her wait length hair behind her shoulders.

"Oh-h you-u d-d-don't ha-a-ve to d-d-eal wit-t-h-h o-o-ur l-l-uggage-e" Midoriya stuttered and mumbled.

"Oh, no don't worry about. Here, let me show you. Give me your room number and tell me your luggage" Via said. Midoriya showed her his room number and pointed to the Almight theme colored luggage. Via closed her eyes and opened her hand.

What could only be described as a black hole opened and literally came down to eat Midoriya's bag. Midoriya gasped while Via just did her infamous closed eye smile,

"People are capable of more things then you would think."

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