chapter fourteen

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"Owwwww you're hurting my arm!" Taylor whined as she was being pulled along. Ezra, one of your classmates, took it upon himself to drag you as well as Taylor outside to class.

"If you guys didn't fight all the time, I wouldn't have to take this precaution," Ezra said. You just mumbled under breath as you were being pulled along.

"The teacher still has to sort out what they're going to do about the U.A. students since we do everything by rank, so we have time," You said while still being tugged along. Ezra gasped and took a slight glimpse at you.

"Huh, you're right. I didn't think about it until just now," Ezra said while slowing down his stride a bit.

"Yeah, let's go slower! I don't even want to go to combat today, I can't even fight," Taylor whined while still tugging at Ezra's iron hard grip.

"Taylor, the only way for you to learn is to get some practice. Since you guys are late and I already have a partner, maybe Y/n could teach you!"
Ezra let go of both of you since you were with the rest of the class once again. You just shrugged getting up and walking over to the rest of the class. Taylor refused to get up, which angered Ezra.

In the distance, you could hear their quarrel but you put it behind you. You walked up to your teacher, since they were explaining the rules to the U.A. students.

"Alright, since none of you have a rank yet, you all will just have to fight eachother for the time being. We aren't using our quirks right now since we want to not destroy the premises," The teacher takes a quick glance at you and you blush, "If there's an odd number, one of you will just spare with Y/n"

The teacher started to count and just shrugged, "There's an even number. Y/n you can just go help Taylor."

You nodded and proceeded to walk over to the crying girl.

"Deku, do you want to be my partner?" Uraraka said while smiling.

"Yeah sure, I don't know if I'll be any good though. I can barely fight with my quirk," Midoriya said while looking at his hands.

"We both know that that's not true at all! Just fight like you would with your quirk, minus all the super jumps and speed-"

"Yeah, okay. I'll try that," Midoriya says. He backs up from Uraraka, looks at her and gets in his fighting stance. "Wait a second! Should I be gentle? I don't want to hurt you-" Midoriya babbles and abruptly gets up from his fighting stance.

"Deku, let's just spar and see how it goes," Uraraka said calmly while staying in her fighting stance. Midoriya just sighs and goes back to his fighting stance.

Midoriya thinks for a second about what he should do. 'I don't have  information about any of the U.A. students fighting styles when they're not using their quirks. Uraraka especially, I don't know if she can fight at all. With her quirk, she doesn't need a lot of combat training, so I've never really seen her in combat like everyone else. Ideally, since there is nothing at all I could predict, I should just wait for Uraraka to make the first move so I could give a somewhat decent counter,'

He takes a quick glance over Uraraka's overall position, 'She's not putting her weight on her front foot which means she's not planning on running towards me or making the first attack. If I don't throw the first move then nothing is going to happen,' Midoriya concludes and starts to rush forward.

When he got close enough, Midoriya threw a light punch in the air at Uraraka. Uraraka, actually being really combat savvy, proceeds to grab Midoriya's arm and turn around so that the back of her shoulder in in Midoriya's chest. 'Using Midoriya's momentum, I can easily flip him over by bending over and tugging on his arm' Uraraka thought while doing exactly that.

"Ugh!" Midoriya says as his back hits the ground. Uraraka quickly pins him and looks down at him with a smile, "When did you learn to do that...?" He wheezed.

"Well, I was in combat training on my internship with Gunhead. Do you remember? I was on the phone with you for a bit right after I finished my session!" Uraraka said with a closed eye smile.

"Oh yeah, right..."Midoriya said with a deep red blush on his face.

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