chapter forty one

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"I'm sorry, Mr. L/n stepped out for the rest of the day. I can leave a message of you like?"

"No it's okay, I'll just call him," S/n said while turning away from the woman at the desk. Apparently, Ivy was out sick and B/n left early; B/n never leaves early.



"What the hell do you want?"

"Bro, why do you always answer the phone like that? It's not cute..."

"S/n, please. I'm really in a hurry-"

"You always are, but you better listen to me. What's the whole deal with this festival and you talking to Arden?"

"Festival? Arden?"

"Yes? Did you forget what those words are, B/n?"

"Why can't you just talk to Rouge about this?"

"She isn't here-"

"-Okay then. I'll just explain everything when I get back. How about dinner? We can invite Y/n too,"

"Since when did you like to do dinners, B/n?"

"Since now. I have to go, now bye"

S/n looked at her phone on confusion as her brother ended the call. Something wasn't right, what was he doing right now that's so important? And why was he acting kind of nice?

"Is everything alright, miss? You look distressed," The woman at Ivy's desk states. S/n was about to respond when she narrowed in on a tattoo on the women's wrist.

S/n walked closer and put her hands on the desk to lean against it, "Yes, I'm fine, thank you. Can I ask you about that tattoo?"

The woman curled in her arm is a defense reaction and had a blush on your face, "Oh, I'm sorry Ms. L/n. I know we aren't supposed to show tattoos but I was running late and didn't have time to cover it up,"

"It's alright, I honestly don't care. It's just that I feel like I've seen that design before," S/n said while standing straight up. She couldn't put her finger on it.

"Well it is becoming a bit popular, I doubt I'm the only one getting the tattoo. It's a whole trend now," The secretary laughed while getting back to work.

While thinking, S/n walked away from the table. She couldn't tell why but something's made her uneasy. Her brother's attitude and especially that tattoo gave her anxiety that could last for weeks. She shivered thinking of the past and what the tattoo reminded her off

"It looks like that tattoo he got..."

"Hey Y/n!" Uraraka said as she watched you walk in through the tower doors. The rest of the class treated you in a similar fashion.

"Hey guys, did you already cook dinner?" You asked smelling the food in the air; it was good.

"Yea, it wasn't that big of a deal," Ojiro said while taking off his apron. You went to go sit on the couch next to Aoyama and Ashido in order to watch the television.

"You know, results for your test are coming out in a few days right? Two days max," You said in passing. You stretched your arms carefully not yp hit anyone.

"I can't wait to see how I did!" Kirishima said with his fluffy hair.

"Me neither, I want to know if I've gotten stronger," Midoriya said while squeezing his fist. It kind of looked like an internal monologue was going on in his head.

"Whatever you get Deku, I'll just beat you. I'll become the number one hero," Bakugo said with determination.

"How can you guys be the number one heroes if you can't beat me? I'm just a phony, which makes you one too" You said with a sickening grin. You knew you were about to start a fight.

"Y/n please don't-" Iida said as he watched the events unfold. It was to late.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY CHEATER!? I'LL BURN YOU INTO ASH!" Bakugo said with fury. Midoriya only sweatdropped at your statement but now he was scared about the building if you and Bakugo had another fight.

"You can't burn me if you can't catch me!" You said while running away down the hall. Bakugo ran after you with explosions going off in his hand.

"Should we stop them?" Tokoyami asked everyone just shrugged.

"If it gets out of hand I'll stop them-" Iida said while pushing up his glasses, "Todoroki, are you okay? Do you have a fever? Your face has been red ever since Y/n walked in,"

"Errr, I'm fine," Todoroki said. Everytime he looks at you, he remembers the sleepover and his face gets red. "What's wrong with me?"

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