Chapter 13

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"Hey guys welcome to the show with no name. I'm Noah."

"I'm Tiffany"

"And I'm Anna and we are..."

"Three examples of white privilege." Shayne yells from behind the camera.

Today felt normal. I'm at set filming back to back videos for all the time I missed and it feels good. Extremely good. I haven't been featured in a Smosh video in like months so I'm feeling like its back to when I first started.

"Anna, can we talk?"

I turn to see Tanner.

"go for it."

"So, I know we didn't end things the right way bt I heard that you're going around apologizing so I thought I should to. I even talked to Noah and I know it took all his strength not to hit me. So, I'm so sorry Anna. I wish I could've been more of a friend to your or at least been nicer and not let my feeling in the way. I hope we can move past this and get some work done."

"Of course Tanner. I've been over all that for awhile now. I figured we would be civil but I am grateful for the apology. I accept it. Now help me film these shows I'm lowkey freaking out about how many scenes I have."

"I'm sure you'll do fine"


"And we're done filming" Tanner screams. Everyone breaks out into tears. Today was a long day for everyone not just me.

"Anna wanna grab dinner." Noah says

" a date?" I laughed

"No, I know that won't be happening so just two friends grabbing some burgers."

"I was just kidding Noah and yeah sure let's go"

We arrived at In and Out 15 minutes later and were at our booth waiting for our food.

" You know Noah who would've thought we'd be where we're at today. We went from best friends, to boyfriend/girlfriend, to exes, to enemies, now back to best friends. If we had told our story I don't think anyone would've believed us."

"It all started with me asking to breakfast."

"Wow, I remember and I was confused on why we went to a restaurant and you ordered cereal." I cover my mouth laughing.

"I can't believe that was two years ago. Seems like it was yesterday."

"Time flies when you're having fun"

"I guess you're right. We've had some good times."

"Like when you and Kieth taught me the Intergalactwhip."

"That was such a fun night.

"Or my first squad vlog and I made it seem like I didn't like you."

"Oh yeah why did you do that anyways?"

"A boyfriend wasn't what I was in LA for."

"Then what changed"

"I don't know. You were a fun guy and always made me laugh. When I was with you I was happy and that's all I could've ever asked for but as you know the cold came, or the 'dark days', and even though I knew we were about to break up and I wanted to save it because even in our worst of times you somehow made me laugh. You still do Noah."

"So are you saying you want to get back together"

I laugh. " No silly, I'm saying I'm glad we have some sort of positive relationship now. Even if it stays the same or escalates to more I'd be alright."

"So in the future you want to get back together?"

"Oh my goodness Noah. Let me put it this way. We're friends that's all but date is fate so we'll see what happens. Even I d not know what I want."

"Okay I guess I can agree on that for now."

I laugh thinking back to how we hated each other. Well I don't think we hated each other I think it was more of a disappointment towards each other. All that now has been faded and we can even together.

"You know the last time we almost ate together was when you bathed into my dinner with Tiffany and caused a huge scene."

"Oh...yeah...that wasn't my brightest moment. But you see where I came from right?"

"Nope not at all."

"What I was heartbroken to have finally seen my girlfriend and she came back with a boyfriend."

"And you had a girlfriend to and I didn't make a scene. Beside I broke yo with him all of this was still going on so explain why you kept going."

"Um well, not gonna lie I was having fun with it."

"Yeah it was kind of fun doing devious things. Turning your girlfriend against you was pretty fun."

"Yeah I apologized to her yesterday so I think we're good now"

"That's good Noah. Look at you making improvements."

"Shut up don't act all high and mighty. It wasn't because of you."

"Yes it was don't lie."

"Shut up"

The night goes on and on with us laughing and talking just like it used. It was nice and serene, something you had forgotten the feeling of for a long time.

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