❁ dear talia ❁

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dear talia,
i could go on a rant
on how hurt you made me   
when you sent me that picture.
but why would i?
you were prettier than me.
men would whistle on the street.
your comments on insta full
of compliments.
you were funnier.
you were nicer.
you were so many things
to so many people.
to bad it was so fake.
to bad behind the scenes
you'd rip fans apart.
everyone would be below you.
you'd put yourself on a high pedestal.
yet in reality you were just like everyone else.
but you were to conceited to realize.
everything about you is fake.
but i guess simons into that.
you were a brain washer.
you changed my simon
into a monster.
my once beautiful butterfly
so gentle and kind.
was now the ugliest tiger.
so rough and harsh.
i finally realize why now.
he became just like you.
like the monster you are.
but if anything
i have to give you credits.
because you were the best damn liar around.
you were praised for your kindness.
you were praised for your beauty.
you were praised for your voice.
everyone wanted to be you.
it was talia this and talia that.
if they only knew the real you.
the kindness is an act.
the beauty is just plastic beneath the skin
and makeup caked onto your face.
and your voice is just some auto tune.
but it all worked.
so kudos to you.
though i want to call you
every single name in the book.
im going to tell you this.
my simon.
or your simon i guess.
please don't hurt him.
now after writing this letter i realize.
he isn't a monster.
you made him one.
and i wish i could go and
change his letter.
but it's already sealed.
i rinsed him for being an asshole
when really it was just
you rubbing off on him.
so please keep him safe.
please hug him
and kiss him
and tell him everything's
gonna be okay.
he needs the reminder sometimes.
remind him to take breaks
and remember to eat sleep and drink.
he needs that
reminder sometimes as well.
not that he cares.
or that you will.
but apologize to him for me.
cause i see the real him now.
tell him i'm sorry for will and josh.
that he deserves the world.
a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶h̶
what's the use.
you're not gonna tell him anyway.
i've been finishing off
everyone's letters the same.
but this isn't a letter of love.
for you made my baby a monster.
nathalia mar
this is my
letter of
and all in between.

- letter of love ♡ sidemen + willne -Where stories live. Discover now