Earth is strange

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This planet that Megatron has cast you out in is strange...

Little cities dotted the horizon, it reminded you of Cybertron. Oh, how you miss your home planet.

For the first few days, you spent your time exploring the landscape. You were thankful that you still had your alt mode, which was similar to Starscream's. Though you weren't technically a seeker, you always thought of yourself as one.

You were Megatron's best lieutenant right beside Starscream. You served under his lead without even knowing what his intentions were.

He wanted to destroy life on this planet, and you highly disagreed with it. As a result, you were banished and kicked out into a world that was unknown to you.

Psh, you didn't need him. You didn't need anyone in your life. Blitzwing, Starscream, Lugnut, even Shockwave. They were your friends, but they had to follow orders.

You wandered the strange land for years, trying to find your place in the world. You finally found sustenance in a place called "Michigan". You didn't know why it was called that, but it seemed friendly enough.

That is, until you found out that Autobots patrolled that city.

-10 am, city limits-

You felt the cool breeze against your frame as you crested a hill, your ruby red optics scanning the horizon for anything interesting. Your wings fluttered in excitement when your scanners picked up an energon source within the city.

You were running pretty low on energon, so flying wasn't an option. It wasted too much fuel and you really didn't want to crash somewhere and get injured.

You didn't care for the little organics as they scrambled away from your pedes. To you, they were just annoying pests. Ugh, Megatron used to call them that.

Forget him, you have a mission to do. You mentally scolded yourself, continuing to walk through the streets.

The buildings towered above you, seeming to go into the sky and beyond. They were impressive, but nowhere near the beauty of Iacon in its golden days.

While you were daydreaming, you accidentally stepped on a vehicle. An alarm went off and you got spooked. You ran off in between two buildings, trying to hide yourself.

While you were hiding, you heard the roar of several engines coming close to you. "Scrap..." you cursed, quickly looking down at your scanner and following the trail.

You folded your wings in so they wouldn't scrape the sides of the buildings as you snuck in between them. Suddenly, your scanner went crazy and indicated that the energon source was straight ahead.

"Seriously?" You growled, peering into the dark tunnel before you. Your frame was small enough to fit, but you didn't want to risk scratching your paint.

The squealing sound of tires caught your attention and you whipped around, your scanner clattering to the ground.

Five brightly colored vehicles sat before you. You tilted your head in confusion. Were they some sort of organic vehicle?

Your spark dropped into your tank when they started transforming, parts whirring and folding into place. Now there were five Autobots standing before you, harsh looks on their faces.

"How come we've never encountered a Decepticon like this one?" The yellow one asked the blue and red one. Primus, he was annoying.

"Not sure, Bumblebee. By the looks of it, he seems to be going after the same energon source as we are." The blue and red one replied, raising an eyebrow at you.

You growled, flattening your wings in anger. "Excuse you, pretty boy. I'm a femme and I'm getting that energon!"

The blue and red Autobot blushed in embarrassment, scratching the back of his helm. "Well I Umm...."

A smaller Autobot with a black and gold colored frame stepped forward and dipped his head. "I'm sorry for his rudeness, Miss. You said you wanted the energon?"

The other Autobots gave him a weird look, but he ignored it. Was he being.... nice to you? You had to admit, his sleek frame was very attractive.

You placed one hand on your hip and flashed a smile. "Well, I am running pretty low on energon. I can't use my alt mode so I had no choice but to go on foot."

"That still doesn't explain why you destroyed several vehicles on the streets." The older one, a medic you presumed, said gruffly.

"I'm sorry about that, gramps. I wasn't paying attention." You rolled your optics, tapping your pede in impatience.

The old medic growled, but was held back by the red and blue mech.

"Tell is the real reason you want the energon, Decepticon." The red and blue mech growled, a frown on his face.

"I told you! I'm running so low on energon that I can't even change modes!" You replied, starting to get frantic. You could feel the drain on your limbs as the last of your energon reserves were used up.

Your knees buckled beneath you and you collapsed to the ground, unconscious. The black and gold mech rushed over to you, feeling for a pulse.

"She's still functioning, but barely. We need to take her back to base." He said, lifting you up in his arms.

"Are you insane, Prowl?! Bring a Decepticon into our base?! What if she attacks us!" Bumblebee protested, waving his hands around.

"Would you rather leave her to perish?"

That silenced him pretty quick. Prowl turned to Optimus, who only shook his head.

"That is dangerous, Prowl. But we can't just leave her here. After we give her enough energon, we have to put her in stasis cuffs."

Prowl sighed, looking down at your limp body in his arms. "Fine. But if she proves to be passive, can you let her go?"

Optimus sighed heavily and nodded. "Okay, but if she does one bad thing, she's locked up for good. Now let's head back to base before more Decepticons show up." He transformed into his alt mode, racing off down the street.

The others soon followed, leaving Prowl in the dust.

"Wait! I can't— grrrrr.." he growled to himself, beginning to jog after them. He couldn't complain though, you weren't as heavy as he thought.

Something about you intrigued him, but he kept it hidden from the others. You weren't like any of the other Decepticons.

You were different.

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