Crash landing

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3rd POV

Wonder Woman and jumpa woke up.

Wonder Woman:Morning Jumpa.

Jumpa:Morning wondie.

Wonder Woman:I'll go to bathroom you wake up the others.


Wonder Woman was going to the batroom then she spotted Bumble bee and Harley quinn looking in Batgirl and supergirl room.

Wonder Woman:Wha-.

Bumble bee:Shhhh you'll wake them up.

Wonder Woman:These do-

Harley quinn:Not them Wondie them.

Wonder woman looked in the room and saw batgirl and supergirl holding each other and their hair down.

Wonder Woman:How are we going to wake them up.

Bumble bee:No need to there waking up.

Supergirl and Batgirl eyes opened.

Batgirl:Morning sister.


Batgirl:Hang on.

Supergirl:What is it.

Batgirl:Do you feel like were being watched.

Supergirl looked at the doorwaya and saw wonder woman,Bumble bee and Harley quinn.

Supergirl:What the?!

Supergirl fell of the bed.

Batgirl:Are you okay?

Supergirl:Im okay,(standing up)But the real question is how were you staring?

Bumble bee:About 10 minutes,why where you two in the same bed.

Batgirl:I was having a nightmare so my sister conforted me and fell asleep with me.

Harley quinn:Then explain why you's hair is down.


Then the lights turned to red.


Batgirl:Guys i think we need to get the ships command center.

They went to their rooms and got changed into their superhero outfits and went to control centre and everyone was there.

Barda:Whats going on.

Batgirl:Theres a big meator heading straight for us,quick we need turn.

Then the ship right but the metorite went their way and was about to crash into them.

Supergirl:Yeah so its not stopping.

Batgirl:Everybody brace for impact.

Then meator then hit the engines and the ship was heading towards a mysterious blue planet.

Time skip

A big explosion happened and the ship was there charred and the engines destroyed.

Then the door opened and everyone was dizzy and unscathed.

Batgirl:(Groans)Everyone alright.

Wonder woman:Except being very dizzy yeah.

Supergirl:You okay sister?

Batgirl:Im okay,you okay boy.

Ace:Im okay master.

Then footsteps was coming.

Barda:Something coming.

Then a women with long orange hair,Bright green emerald eyes and blue clothing appeared.

???:After all these years i found you.

Batgirl:You seem familar do i know you?

???:Its me,Laura gordon your mother.

Batgirl eyes was wide and mouth opened

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