Final battle part 2

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Batgirl woke up groggily then she realized she was upside down with chains chained to her feet and arms chained to pillars.

Doomsday:Well well look who woke up.

He then punched her 10 times making her bleed. st...op

Doomsday:I wont until you reached pain and loss of your daughter.

He then grabbed a pillar and hit batgirl 5 times and she has bruises and bleeding everywhere.

Laura:Barbara hon i.l.ove y.ou

Then batgirl eyes turned lightning  blue and memories occured.

Her and supergirl on the top of superhero high while she was confroting her.

She bumblebee harley and wonder woman laughing at something.

She and barda sparing.

Poison ivy helping her heal.

Then she opened her eyes and saw she was in a blue dark room.

Then her father appered.

Batgirl:Dad he's too strong even with my new powers i cant.

Commissioner gordon:Barbara you will master the power of it I believe in you.

Then batgirl opened her eyes then the Cloak crackled lightning then she broke out of the chains then lightning g started to form around her then a dragon formed and tackled doomsday outside the arena and then she flew up and summoned lightning swords and axes and launched at him and hurt him badly then she created replicates of herselves then all of them fired lightning Ray's at him then they went back inside her then she created a massive powerful lightning axe and thrower it at him defeating him.

Time skip.

The battle was over and the citizens were preparing blue planet.

Batgirl:Are you sure your going to stay here.

Laura:These people need me Barbara I'm proud of you being the true descendant of inazuma keep being a hero.

They then hugged.

Batgirl:I'll miss you.

Laura:I'll miss you too.

She kissed her on the forehead.

Time skip

Batgirl was looking out of the window seeing blue planet.

Supergirl came.

Supergirl:You okay.

Batgirl:I am I'm just going to miss her.

Supergirl put her arms around her shoulders.

Supergirl:Hey you have me.

Batgirl cupped her cheek and kissed her on her other one.

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