Chapter 15

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Louis's P.O.V

It happened so quick, bursting out my profound sleep, I feel my whole life being ripped from my arms.
Blinking overhead, I see Lily.
She has her hands firmly on Clementine's hoodie, pulling her off the bed and away from me.
The sound of her back thudding
against the floor, making hard contact, causing her to grunt in pain as her fall echoes around the room, waking the other's.

"COME ON"! Lily shouts

"What the shit"?! Violet cries, scurrying out of her bed to her feet, Minnie joins her in absolute horror.

I watch in shook, still half asleep, Clementine hitting Lily's hand in an attempt for freedom, her hands rushing to ajust her jacket that was suffocating her, wrapping around her neck as she desperately gasps for air as Lily drags her like an animal across the floor. That was my boiling point. Watching her stuggle against anybody. Without a moments doubt, I rush to my feet, sprinting over to her, in pure anger, I could feel my blood pump viciously through my veins, my inner animal instinct taking over my body. I have never in all of my life felt so possessive and enraged.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OF HER"!!! I growl, Lily looking overly suprised at my outburst, before lunging myself at her, Rory gets imbeetween us.

He provokes, pushing his coach shotgun agaisnt my stomach.

I glower at him, my hands turning into fists.

"NO"! "PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM"! Clementine wails.

I push forward, pressing harder into the gun.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you kid". "I got 2 shots in the barrel". "One for you and then your girlfriend if you don't back the fuck up!".

My quick reflexes kicking in, I grab the end of shotgun, I can tell the others are completly horrified just by the ambiance in the room.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU"! He screams, knocking me of my feet to the floor with the shotgun, I gasp, wincing, I look towards the door, Clementine looking down at me in great attempt to escape Lily's clutches, tears in her eyes. Lily relentlessly pulling Clem away, the door slams shut.
She is gone.

Clementine's P.O.V

My uncontrollable whimpers begin to make me hiccup, my breathing rapid and chaotic.
Lily shuts the cell's door, causing me to panic and my world to shatter.

"Clementine calm down"!

"Did you have to be so forthright"? My voice sounding hoarse.


"What do you want"? "Why can't you just leave us alone"? I whimper as we ascend the stairs.

"I...I'm so sorry Clementine" "We have to speak" " She declares, her voice guilty.

A short silence falls upon us.
I was shocked she still wanted to see me let alone talk to me after I spat in her face before.

"Just stay close to me" "Don't talk and don't run".

She pulls me infront as we leave the building. We walk through the town, Lily keeping her eyes pierced, observing the young workers at their stations. Hard laboring throughout the day.
How could she stay and fight for these monstrously cruel people that stole children? She has changed. I may have been young, but I remember the motor inn liks it was yesterday. Lily is not the same person as she was before. I remember one night after Lee tucked me in to bed, she gave me some purple hair pieces for sleeping better, smiling at me so lovingly, shutting the door gently behind her. She was sweet, always looking out for me despite the pain she had to endure over her dad. But just a month or so ago she had her gun pointing at my head. When I saw her, I couldn't believe my many ghosts appeared when I looked her in the eyes.
Lee, Carley, Kenny, Duck, Katjaa, Ben...
Having so many bad memories, I always manage to pull through them, by thinking of the good ones. The ones that made me smile. Like that day Lee made me a swing at the Saint John's, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world, even if it were for Duck too. And the time when Luke, Kenny, Jane, Mike, Bonnie and I were celebrating Luke's birthday. Passing the bottle and them swapping dirty jokes around that I never understood, until Kate gave me the 'Talk' about my body changing and that I would someday do womanly things with another person...
I had nobody. Spending years alone before the New Frontier, was so difficult. But every time I looked at Aj. I could see Lee. His words helping me, guiding me, no matter how bad or hellish the world felt. Lee protected me, every second until his last breath. Even though he was never obligated to.
I missed my mother and father very much, not a day goes by that I don't miss them. I wanted them back so badly.
I want Lee back.

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