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we end up at the entrance of an abandoned-looking park about two miles away from university. the grass is up to my knees and i can see how poorly kept it is from the pale brown tips that fade into an unhealthy yellow at the roots. dan pushes past the thick grass first and i roll my eyes slightly in annoyance; he always comes up with the weirdest places to chill at. when we get past the tall grass, it looks just as uneventful as the entrance - there are a few rusted benches around the boxy area, the grass is a little shorter, and behind the boring scene is a steep hill that blends into the forest.

"so. . ." i mumble awkwardly and watch as dan takes a seat on one of the benches and folds his legs under him. "what is this place?"

"i don't know, i found it the other day and it felt kind of right to be here," he shrugs. i look at him for a while before responding.

"this place sucks, congratulations," i snort and he rolls his eyes before plugging in his earphones and blocking me out. i sigh loudly and try looking around a bit more but i can't see any sort of spark in this place. it's just a dull, isolated park with nothing but dead grass and a stupid forest behind.

my primal instinct is to think about her. if she was here i'm sure that the grass would be a little greener and the air would thin out and dissolve better in my lungs and the sun would set faster so i can see the way her skin reflects the golden light. i would lay in her lap and let her fingers push through my hair and she would talk about her heart and i would give her all of mine.

i shake the thought of her out of my head - the sky shrinks to a dismal colour and the grass seems to have rotten under my feet.

i look at dan again. his legs are now drawn to his chest and his eyes are almost closed as he looks at a particular spot on the ground. i feel around my pockets and take out my phone, quickly taking a picture of him. the muted pink of his sweater stands out artfully in the tedious place and his mediocre brown hair appears more golden under the sun.

"hey dan!" i call his name just so he looks up and i snap another picture of him.

"what the hell are you doing?" i can see the flush of his skin from afar as he pulls out his earphones and attempts to hide his face. this is so much more entertaining that being a hopeless romantic. i keep snapping pictures of him until he finally gets annoyed enough and stomps over to me, trying to grab my phone from my hand.

"why are you taking ugly pictures of me?" he yells and attempts to grab my phone again but i lift my hands up so he can't reach it.

"i'm not! i promise, you look cute in them," i try to convince him and he squints his eyes at me harshly and then smiles in a weird way.

"really?" his voice is sweet which is so unlike him because he never lets me take pictures of him.

"yeah. . ." i say a bit unsurely and he smiles again.

"cool! let me see them," he seems chill enough about it so i finally bring my arms down but that proves to be a bad decision because as soon as my phone is in reach, dan grabs it and runs away from me as fast as possible.

"hey! that's not fair, you lied!" i yell as i run after him. the place isn't very big so he can't run that far away.

"you lie all the time," he rolls his eyes at me and i purse my lips. not arguing with that one.

we run in circles for at least fifteen minutes before i finally succeed in grabbing the back of his sweater and stopping him. he collides harshly with my front and we both fall over into the scratchy grass, and before dan can make an effort to run off again, i climb on top of him and grab the phone from his hand.

"p-phil get off me," dan sputters and i giggle, putting a password on my phone to protect my data from him. i'm pretty sure he'll guess it in the first three tries like he always does, but it's still worth a shot.

"no, first you apologise for running like that,"

"how else does a person run?"

i roll my eyes. "i didn't mean it like that you idio-"

my statement is interrupted by a soft rustle.

"did you hear that?" i whisper and dan furrows his eyebrows, his face still washed in a shade of pink.

"what?" he whispers back and before we can continue our discussion, a very familiar girl enters the park.


written by @rickyblitzz

hello hope y'all are good and fresh sorry for all the wait!!

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