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You: Yoongi

Yoongi: What do you

You: No need to be

You: I realised
that I left some
stuff at yours

You: I really want
it back

Yoongi: I chucked it
all out so

Yoongi: Bye

You: What??

You: Wtf do you
mean you chucked
it out?!


You: Ha ha yestotally hilarious

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You: Ha ha yes
totally hilarious

You: I left my
Ipad! I want it

Yoongi: You waited like
6 months

Yoongi: Should have
gotten it sooner

Yoongi: Besides, I paid
for the ipad

You: You gave it to
me as a birthday

Yoongi: I took it back

You: You're such
an immature

Yoongi: At least I'm not
a cheat

You: wow

You: So after everything

You: You still don't
believe me

Yoongi: I know what I

You: I am not doing
this again

You: I want my stuff

Yoongi: It's gone. And
the ipad is mine

You: I hate you

Yoongi: Feelings mutual

You: Asshole!

Yoongi: bitch

You: Victim blaming

Yoongi: Cheating

You: Fuck you

Yoongi: You wish

Yoongi: Move along

Yoongi: Nobody wants
your trashy ass around

You: You're pathetic

Yoongi: Of course babe
whatever you say


You: Hoseok?

Hobi: .... Y/N

You: Are you in?

Hobi: No.

You: Is anyone in?

Hobi: Nobody that
will let you in

You: Hoseok I didn't
do it

You: Why doesn't
anyone belive me

Hobi: Why do you
want to go in

You: ...

You: I want my

Hobi: Talk to
Yoongi Hyung then

You: I did. He was
just being...

Hobi: Why would
he be nice

You: ... I didn't
expect this from

Hobi: Well we all
trusted you

You: Clearly you

You: Or you'd believe

Hobi: There was

You: A picture at
that angle is not
proof. Especially
when it's that dark

Hobi: If you say

You: Hoseok..

Hobi: Nobody is in
Y/N. Try asking
Yoongi Hyung
another time

You: Please! I
need my stuff!
-message not delivered-

You: ... Great
-message not delivered-


AN: guys, if you want to be in this series, head over to my twitter and answer the question I tweeted.

Im having trouble with comments on here, I get so many notis that they're all lost because wattpad only lets me scroll back so far. So to make sure its equal for all of you, I'm doing it on twitter.

It'll be open for a few days.

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