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Yg: What do I

Nj: Hyung?

Yg: I'm asking you
as our leader and as my

Yg: Please help me

Yg: I was so stupid

Yg: So blinded

Yg: I was so spiteful
and I kept all her stuff
just so she'd have an
excuse to talk to me

Yg: But I even fucked
that up

Yg: Help me Namjoon

Yg: Please

Nj: Wow Hyung

Nj: I've never seen
you like this. You
really love her

Yg: I'm just not
good with emotions
unless it's through

Nj: Maybe write her
a song?

Yg: You know her
well enough that she
won't get all emotional
and take me back just
because of a song

Yg: She has some self
respect. She knows what
she wants and what she

Yg: And I don't deserve
her. Writing her a song
won't change that

Nj: Good point

Nj: I think maybe you
need to give her time

Nj: You can't expect her
to take you back after

Nj: And I don't even know
all the details

Nj: I don't know the
extent of your behaviour
towards her and how it
affected her life

Yg: You can easily
say I almost ruined her
life beyond fixing

Yg: In fact, that's what
she said to me

Nj: To be honest
Hyung I don't really
know what to say

Nj: I think you need
to prove yourself
to her but if she doesn't
want to talk to you

Nj: Maybe you should
give up and let go

Yg: I won't

Nj: Well seeing as that
isn't an option you
need to communicate
with her. The ball is
in her court Hyung

Yg: Yeah

Yg: You're right

Yg: Thanks

Nj: Any time Hyung


Yg: Y/N

Yg: Please can you
hear me out before
you tell me to shut

You: Yoongi what
is it this time

You: I really can't
right now

Yg: No

Yg: I understand

Yg: I won't ever
pressure you, you
know that

You: You're pressuring
me now

Yg: ....

Yg: I don't mean to

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