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Unknown: Y/N

Unknown: It's Jeon

You: Jungkook?
-You save the number-

You: Hi

You: Long time

Jungkook: Yeah

Jungkook: When is your
work due in?

You: Oh

You: Monday

Jungkook: Did you
manage to re do it?

You: Kind of

You: Not to the standard

You: I'm trying to finish

Jungkook: Can you
come and meet me?

You: What? Jk I have
to finish

You: Also I don't
think Yoongi would
like you meeting
up with me

Jungkook: It's important

Jungkook: Please. Just meet
me at the coffee shop in
front of our office

You: Why

Jungkook: I have your

You: What?

Jungkook: I was talking
to Jin Hyung and Yuwei
and we decided that it
wasn't fair of him to do
this so I got the work

Jungkook: Not the iPad
but I have your work on
a usb

You: Oh my God
Jungkook thank you so

You: I'm crying

You: Seriously thank you
I'm leaving now

Jungkook: See you soon

You: Also who is Yuwei?

Jungkook: My girlfriend

You: You have a girlfriend?!

You: Wow go you

Jungkook: A few of us do

Jungkook: Ill see you soon


Hs: Jungkook why were
you with Y/N

Hs: I saw you

Jk: None of your
business Hyung

Nj: No need to be rude

Nj: I want to know too

Hs: She hurt Hyung so
much does that mean
nothing to you??

Jk: She told me what

Jk: She said it's not
her in the picture and
the kiss Hyung saw was
forced on her. It wasn't
even her lips the creep
pinned her and kissed her
neck and then once
Hyung saw he let go

Jm: There's no way

Jm: What would even be
the point?

Sj: Think about it

Sj: Anya sent the picture
right? And now she's going
on dates with Yoongi

Sj: We didn't even know
how she got Yoongi's

Jk: It's obviously a
set up

Th: Doesn't matter anyway
she has a new boyfriend

Jk: She does?

Th: Yeah and Hyungs
been going on a lot of
dates with Anya

Yg: Stop talking
like I'm not in this
fucking chat

Sj: Language

Yg: Just drop the issue

Yg: I don't care about her

Jk: That's good because
she won't be messaging
you anymore

Jk: I was with her because
I was giving her her work

Yg: You did WHAT???

Yg: You went into my
studio when I wasn't
there and went through
my stuff??

Jk: Yeah and I used your
computer to transfer
the data

Yg: I can't believe you
did that

Jk: I can't believe you
didn't listen to Y/N and
chose to listen to a crazy
fan over your girlfriend

Jk: even though you
claimed to love her

Hs: You've gone too far

Sj: It was my idea

Nj: Wow Hyung

Sj: Yoongi was willing
to ruin her entire life
just because he felt

Yg: I'm done

-Yoongi has left the conversation-



Bambam: WHAT

You: I got my work!!!

Bambam: What? Yoongi
gave in?

You: No Jungkook brought
it to me. Him and Jin spoke
about it and helped me out

You: I was literally crying

Bambam: I'm so glad!!

You: I feel like a weight
has been lifted

You: I'm going to go
through it now.
Are you free?

Bambam: In about two

You: Let's go for dinner!

Bambam: Yes!! Free food!

You: for me.
You're paying 😋

Bambam: Ooooof course

Bambam: How could I

You: 😄😄

Bambam: Lol ok I will
pay. See you soon!


AN: Happy Holidays!!!

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