chapter 8- Awkward

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Hinata Shoyo

Kageyama stopped crying after a while, but I could tell he was still pretty upset. He just decided to stay for a while to watch TV.

We sat on a couch and watched Assassination Classroom. He hugged a purple pillow and just kept his eyes on the television.

I decided to talk to him about his family matter. Keeping everything to himself isn't healthy.

"H-hey, Kageyama, you know, if you need to talk, I'm here. " I said.

He looked at me with an odd expression. I couldn't tell what it meant. He turned his head back to the TV and pretended he didn't hear anything.

Getting ignored by him made me angry for some reasons. I hated being ignored.

"Oi, Kageyama, don't ignore me!" I said loudly.

He ignored me. Again.

"OI! Ka-ge-ya-ma!! "

He rolled his eyes and looked at me angrily, "look, do I look like I need to talk? Do I look like I want to talk? Will you mind shutting up because your loud voice is really annoying. Besides, why would i talk to you? You are just an annoying ball of energy and is always happy! Just pretend nothing bad happened and stay positive as heck since its what you do best. "

That sent an arrow straight into me heart. I turned away and looked at my own hands. I felt like there was a void in my chest.

It's broken...

Kageyama broke my heart.

I stood up and said, "alright then. I'll just leave... Since I'm so annoying, I'll go. You don't have to stay at my house anymore. "

I grabbed my jacket and left without turning back. He didn't call me back either, so there wasn't any point staying.

I ran back home immediately, dashing without stopping. Trying to hold back my tears.

"Oh? Hinata, you are back. Where's Kageyama? " my mom asked.

I plastered a fake smile and lied, "oh, his parents were home so he is staying at home. "

"Oh.. I see... I'm going out with Natsu to buy groceries. " she said, picking up her eco-friendly bag, "bye. "

"Bye. " I ran to my room and locked the door.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm down, but his words repeated in my head.

"...your loud voice is very annoying... "

"Besides, why would i talk to you... "

"... Just pretend nothing bad happened and stay positive as heck it's what you do best... "

Tears spilled down my eyes no matter how I try to keep them in.

All I wanted to do was help him... Was that wrong?

I lay down on my bed and I could my pillow smelled faintly of Kageyama.

"ARGH! "

I threw the pillow to the other end of the room.

That idiot!

That stupid idiot!

I hate him!

No I don't....

I covered my face with my arm as I cried. It wasn't like me to cry over insults, but him saying all that... Left a pretty deep scar in my heart.

~time skip with a little sadness~

Kageyama Tobio

I heard him slide the front door close, and footsteps fading away.

Good. Let him go. It's not like I want him to stay.


A tiny voice said, "no, you want him to stay..."

I slapped myself.

But I felt really bad for saying all those things. I just didnt want to talk... I didnt mean to drive him away...

I picked up my phone, I wanted to call him and tell him to come back but... How could I? After what I just said... Would he even forgive me?

I put my phone down and turned off the television. I went to my room and just lay down on my bed.

Why do I how such a sharp tongue? Most of the things that come out from my mouth are harsh, cold and mean. Why couldn't I be nicer? Why can't I be like Hinata? A little warmer, a little nicer.

My teammates rejected me because I was too mean. Now I hurt Hinata. It's all because of me... Isn't it.

~time skip to school day~

I woke up, got ready and went to school as usual. As I was walking to school, I half hoped to see Hinata on the way but... I never saw him.

I sighed and continued on to school.

As I was going to my class, I passed by Hinata's class but he wasn't at his seat. Where was he?

He is rarely later than me, being an energetic ball of energy.

During the whole school time, I didnt see him, not even once. I started getting anxious.

What happened to him?

I went to training but he wasn't there too. There was no way he would skip training. His whole mind was just filled with volleyball.

"Eh, Daichi, do you know where is Hinata? " I asked.

"Oh? He messaged me, telling me he was sick and he couldn't come. I told him not to worry, he should get better before coming." he said.

"Oh. "

I was uneasy the whole training, my serves and tosses were not as good as usual, but no one seemed to notice.

Was it my fault? I keep wondering.

Should I visit him?

I rushed off immediately after training and came to the pathway to going to Hinata's house.

I hesitated.

Does he really want to see me? After what happened yesterday, does he?

I paced back and forth, trying to make a decision but I couldn't. In the end, I just returned home, feeling slightly guilty and sad.

I couldn't believe it but... Not seeing him for a whole day... Not hearing his voice, not being in contact with him... Made me feel slightly lonely... It made me...  Miss him

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