chapter 15- Stalking

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Hinata Shoyo

Something was wrong.

Yesterday Kageyama was really troubled about Saya, and today, he's suddenly with her. It's obvious that something was wrong.

I sat with my class friends, fiddling with my food, trying to figure out a way to find out what was going on.

Then I remembered there was training today.

I could talk to him during training.

~time skip to training~

I tried to approach Kageyama, but he kept avoiding me. I started becoming frustrated. Why was he doing this.

Then something caught my eye. A pair of eyes looking from the windows.


What was she doing stalking him like that.

Maybe I could talk to him after training?

After training I tried to talk to him.

"Kageyama, y-you wanna go home together? "

He ignored me and walked to Saya. His face blank, eyes stormy. Saya held out a hand and he held it.

The fuck?

"Kageyama! What's wrong? Why are you ignoring me? " I asked him.

Saya whispered something to Kageyama and he looked at her, then at me, then sighed.

"Look Hinata. I'm breaking up with you. " Kageyama said bluntly, looking at me with cold eyes.

"No you aren't. What did she threatened you with? I'll fight her! " I said angrily.

"Don't you see. It isnt natural! Anyway I l-lo... I.. I-I love S-s... ARGH! IM WITH SAYA OK! JUST GO LIVE YOUR LIFE! " He shouted in frustration.

I didnt understand anything. Yeah, it hurts. But I'm stubborn. I know something was wrong and I'm going to find out! But this isn't the way, they wont let me know if they know I'm around.

"Fine. I'll leave. " I turned and ran off, found a spot that was along the way to Kageyama's house and watched.

Five minutes or so, they came walking. I watched intently, trying not to miss any detail.

Kageyama Tobio

She grabbed my hand tightly, not giving me any chance to escape. I tried to stand far away from her, but she would always shuffle over.

"How long are you going to keep this up? " I asked, exasperated. I missed Hinata. His soft puffy hair, his scent, I missed hugging and kissing him.

"As long as I can. " she replied happily.

I rolled my eyes. Annoyed.

"Kiss me. "

"What? "

"I said kiss me. "

I looked at her, disgusted. She flashed me a look and I sighed. I gave her a quick peck on the cheeks and reminded myself to wash my mouth thoroughly when I got home.

"Not there! On my lips! Give me a passionate one! " she pouted.

I growled in irritation. I reluctantly gave her a peck on the lips and attempted to turn away, but she caught me and said, "fine, I'll do it. "

And she kissed me.

I tried to squirm out of her grip but she just wouldnt allow it. It wasn't like Hinata's. It was the opposite. Her cold lips on mine. There was no spark, it was just dull.

She finally pulled away, looking at me happily. She grabbed my hand and continued walking.

I tried not to swallow any saliva in my mouth. I was disgusted by her.

Along the way, she would give me kisses on the cheeks. I would have to wash my face thoroughly when I got home.

"I'll be staying at your house! " she said.

I felt like a lightning striked me, and I honestly rather have a lightning strike me than having her in my house.

"You can't just announce that! You aren't staying at my house!" I growled.

"I will, or else... "

I growled, "fine. "

I gritted my teeth as I clenched my fist. The temptation to just punch her to the sun was hard to resist.

She just smiled and followed me to my house.

Back to Hinata Shoyo

I growled softly as I saw both of them enter Kageyama's house. I want to know what happened, badly.

I decided that it was time for me to go home, it was late, and I couldn't see much now since they were in Kageyama's house.

I sighed sadly and started my way home.

I wished I could fix everything. I just wanted Kageyama to hug me.

Lost in thoughts, I bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry. " I murmured.

"Heyy, isn't this the shorty Saya talked about? "

I looked up at the tall, muscular boy. There were also others who were just as big and tall behind me, maybe half a dozen.

"It is!"

I stepped aside, wanting to go home but they stopped me.

"What do you want? " I asked angrily.

The one I bumped into just grinned evilly and grabbed me.

"Let go of me! "

I struggled but being short and small, it was like fighting against a robot.

They brought me to a dark alley and pushed me to the floor. They cracked their knuckles as they advanced on me.

"What do you want? " I asked again, trying to be brave, but the quaver in my voice wasn't helping.

"We want to be Saya's favorite. " the biggest one said.

What kind of idiot wanted to be Saya's favorite, she wasn't even that good.

"Well, then go find her! " I yelled, getting up.

Big idiot one pushed me back onto the ground and kicked me. I raised my arms instinctively to block it.

I growled as I massaged my arm.

I tried to make a run for it. I pushed them and tried to escape. I caught the first two by surprise, but the rest behind blocked me. I tried to shove them away, but it worked as well as shoving a stone wall.

Big idiot 2 punched me on the head and sent my flying back to where i was before. The throbbing pain in my head made my eyes water.

They advanced on my and begin to kick and punch me. I tried to fight back, blocking and dodging,  but I was hopelessly outnumbered. Being smaller and shorter than them wasn't helping either.

I found and opening and punched one of them. Surprised, they stopped for a while. They then looked at me, more menacing then ever.

They all started hitting me, all at once. I lost my balance and fell. They didn't give me a chance to stand, just kept hitting me without stopping.

I curled into a ball and covered my head with my arms. I closed my eyes as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Why did it have to be me? What did I do to deserve this?

It went on for what seemed like hours, and finally, they decided to leave. I was all muddy and bruised. I picked myself up and walked home alone, feeling worse than ever.

I felt like I needed to tell someone, but I didn't want to make a scene. I didnt want them to have the satisfaction that they made me feel miserable.

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