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Hinata Shoyo

I shivered all the way out of the river. I looked around for Kageyama and saw him just floating in the water.


I ran back to the water and tried to drag him up to the river bank. I had a hard time considering he was much taller and bigger than me.

"KA! GE! YA! MA! "

I finally got him onto land, but he was unconscious. I managed to find pulse and he was still breathing, even though he was as cold as ice.

I carried him on my back and struggled unsteadily to walk. I wasn't sure where to go, but I had to get us some where warm.

"Oh? Hinata?" I heard someone call from behind.

I turned around and I saw Tanaka, Sugawara, Daichi, Nishinoya and Asahi.

"H-h-help m-me! " I stuttered. I was shivering from the cold and Kageyama's weight.

They helped me with Kageyama and together, we ran to Tanaka's house, which was nearby.

They told me to take a warm shower while they dealt with Kageyama. I refused but they insisted so I took a quick shower and returned to Kageyama's side.

They covered him with multiple blankets and heat packs.

I sat beside him tried to wake him up. I slapped his cheek gently while saying his name.

"Kageyama... Wake up... Kageyama... Kageyama. KAGEYAMA! "

His eyes flew open and he sat up so fast he almost knocked my head.

"Hinata? Oh god are you ok? " he didn't seem to realize that other members of the team was here and he pulled me into a tight hug.

After that, I heard snickering behind me and Kageyama pulled away. We both blushed and turned away.

"So... You are dating? " Tanaka asked while laughing.

I nodded.

They went crazy. Laughing and rolling on the ground. Kageyama got up and went for a warm shower and came out after a really long time.

They started teasing us like mad, asking us to kiss and all.

Kageyama sighed and unexpectedly kissed me. I heard whooping and cheering behind us but I decided I didn't care anymore. I kissed back.

He pulled away and I was pretty dazed, gasping for breath.

He whispered to me, "let's just go back to my place, I want to just spend it with both of us. "

We thanked Tanaka and left for Kageyama's house.

~timeeeee skipppppp~

Right after we reached, he slammed his lips back onto mine.


I kissed me hungrily, biting and licking. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and started playing with my tongue. I accepted the tongue kisses and started kissing back.

He pulled away, giving a small pocket of time to ask him, "you wanna do... It? "

"No, too cold, " he continued kissing me. He put me on his bed and lay on top of me, kissing me.

After some time, we pulled away, panting. Kageyama asked me, "hey... What do you want for Christmas? "

I thought for a while... I had everything I wanted... Then I thought of something, grinning evilly, I said, "revenge. "

He looked at me and grinned, "alright, how you wanna do it? "

I walked over to his drawers and pulled out a few water guns and grinned at Kageyama. We both exchange evil grins, we sort of communicated silently, like:

"you gotta be kidding"

"no, I'm serious. "

"Dammit Hinata you are such an ass. "

"You are the one to say, now do you want to do it? Otherwise I'm doing it myself. "

"And miss all the fun? Hell let's go. "

We set out for the river we fell into, we were going to use water from there, I even put in a few tadpoles purely for surprise. We carried bottles and the gun in a huge bag. We went back to the carnival, looking for them. We spotted them in a corner with very little people, which made it easier for us.

Then I tripped over something.

It was a box, inside was a cloak, and there was a piece of paper saying, 'invisibility cloak'. For some reasons, I felt like that was the truth, like the cloak was magical.

"You, go check what was that! " we heard Saya say.

We had to run, but if we did, they would spot us, and it wouldn't be good if we did.

Kageyama wanted to run, but I held out the cloak, then another silent communication like,

"No, run. "

"It's an invisibility cloak! "

"Probably doesn't work. We have to go. "

"Too late. "

I pulled Kageyama and put the cloak over us just as the big guy turned around from a corner. We held our breath, Kageyama's eyes were bugging out like he wanted to run, but the boy didn't seem to see us. We were invisible.

He went back and we pulled the cloak off our heads. We looked down at our body and... We were invisible. I caught Kageyama's eye and I knew what he was thinking. Whoever put this magical thing here, may god bless them.

We covered ourself and pulled out our guns secretly. We scooted around them silently and sprayed them with extra cold river water with a few tadpoles on top.

"WHAT THE? " They spun around but they couldn't see us. We scooted around them such that we were behind them again, and we shot them again.

We did it until all our bottles of water were empty. Snickering silently, we returned to where we found the invisibility cloak. We decided to put it back. We had no idea who placed it there and since whoever that was was capable of magic, we shouldn't risk taking it.

"Wait! " I said before leaving. I bought a small Christmas card and two baby crows resembling us from a store around and went back to the box. I wrote thank you and put them in the box.

"Are you mad? " Kageyama asked me.

"Hey, we borrowed this thing and had the fun of our lives, we have to thank whoever it is. "

Kageyama shrugged and sighed like I was missing the point, I didnt really know who I was missing but together, we left.

Author POV

I went back to the spot I left my invisibility cloak. It looked like someone had touched it. I frowned and opened the box. Inside, I found two plushies, they resembled the two people I admired and shipped. I found a Christmas card that said thank you and the invisibility cloak sitting inside safely. I took it and used magic to see what happened just now. I grinned. I didnt like that girl anyway. I was glad that I was of help. I took the small trinkets and my invisibility cloak home, grinning widely, knowing I helped in mischief making.

Wahahaha I hoped you liked it :)


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