Chapter Three

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“Hello ladies.”

The driver of the Range Rover turned out to be the very person the group of five had been gossiping about some minutes ago. Coming down from the black car, he greeted the group of five, but then when his eyes focused on Tseju, it became pretty clear why he’d stopped to greet them. Who could blame him, Tseju Anne Mobijilade was a very very beautiful Nigerian woman.

The first thing any hot blooded man would notice about Tseju were her curves. The girl was a walking hour glass, a very thick one at that, her thighs! Lord her thighs were thick, and the peach flowered jeggings she wore only accentuated them further. The black sleeveless crop top that said Happy Nappy in yellow dangled just  above the band of the jeggings, occasionally exposing the chocolate skin underneath. And her skin, well her skin kinda glowed! It was a sensual shade of caramel that made him want to lick her skin just to check if she was as sweet as she looked. Her natural hair contorted into Bantu knots left her heart shaped face very exposed to the shameless screening of captivated eyes. He noticed she barely had makeup on, he wasn’t sure if she drew her brows or they were naturally that full and defined. She obviously had lipstick on, Maroon was not a natural lip color for humans. Her lips were as full as the rest of her body, but right now, Bayo was stuck on her eyes. She obviously had contacts in, and the piercing yellow shade both shocked and intrigued him.      

“I’m sorry, have we met before?” He knew they hadn’t met before, hers wasn’t a face one forgot easily. The truth, was that he’d spotted her in the Zitenge Garden, he’d been wowed by her shape, but her choice of hairdo struck him as odd. Perhaps, that’s what had really piqued his interest. He’d met a lot of beautiful girls, but he’d never met one who’d flexed this hairdo. At least not in public. Coupled by the fact that her face was not one he’d seen around campus, he couldn’t help but meet her.

“I’m pretty sure we haven’t, I’m here on a visit.” She said, motioning to the girl she came to visit.  

Bayo smiled at the girl, “Dee, it’s been ages. You look amazing, it almost feels weird to see you without boots or heels.” He said. He knew Diane around campus, but they developed a sort of friendship over the last school break when she came over to stay with her cousin who happened to live in his neighborhood.  

Completely missing the look of surprise spreading across the face of each girls faster than a Linda Ikeji post, Diane replied “Why thank you. It feels weird to see you driving a Range. Whatever happened to your Grey Porsche?” It had certainly surprised Diane when she discovered that the neighbor who Amina - her cousin who lived in Canada had a crush on was Bayo, the most eligible bachelor in Zanden. So oga was breaking hearts internationally too. Anyways, she struck up a friendship with the dude the day she saw him pull up in a Grey Porsche.  What? She loved cars.

“Wait, you too know each other?” Toyen asked, inwardly planning to kill her friend for keeping such juicy gist to herself.

Di caught the look Bayo was giving Tseju and thought it wise to give him space to shoot his shot. Pulling the other three girls, “Come come, let me tell you allll about it.” She said, winking at Bayo.

Now alone with the actual subject of his attention, “My name is Bayo.” He said, stretching out a hand.

“Tseju.” Tseju said, her chubby palm in his larger chubbier palm, and no, I’m sorry there were no tingles at this moment, just the sensation of flesh on flesh. You know, the way normal handshakes go.

They continued the walk to Edoro’s, the four girls up ahead chatting away while they, well, awkward silence was now the plus one, so when the seductive aroma of Efo Riro properly laced with stock fish, shaki, kpomo and cowleg began to wreak havoc on Tseju’s senses, she’s alerted to the fact that Edoro’s place was nearby. Bayo too picked up on the aroma. “So, what’s your favourite food?” He asked, grasping at anything just to keep talking to the lady walking beside him. It had been a while since he’d done this, so yea, he was rusty. Maybe he should ask her if she liked bread next.

For Tseju, an unofficial uncertified foodie, this was a very important question and due to the impartial relationships she harbored with all things food, she had to think and choose her next words carefully “Well, I don’t actually favor one dish over the other. I’m quite the foodie and so long as I find it tasty, I can eat it.” She beamed at Bayo, awarding herself with a mental pat on the back for handling this particular issue in a rather diplomatic manner.

“But you must have a favorite.” He pressed, now genuinely interested in this piece of information.

“Actually, I love amala and gbegiri.” Tseju replied, then she remembered that Bayo was one of those ‘From the Abroad’ types, so she went on to explain the food. “It’s a native dish, Gbegiri is a soup made from ground beans and the Amala is a solid, like Tofu, but softer, and it’s made from ground dried plantain or ground dried yam peels. It tastes amazing, you should try it sometime.” Another mental pat on the back, here she was being a very patriotic citizen of the Foodom, advertising her local dish to an abroad pelzon. If only uncle Mide could see her now.  

“Are you sure you’re not been partial cause it’s our local dish?” Bayo asked, his eyes shining brighter than they were a minute ago. Maybe he’d caught the sun in his gloriously hot chocolate brown eyes, or maybe it was mischief gleaming through them. Tseju half expected Loki to emerge from those oh so brown eyes.

“See this oyimbo oh. What do you know about our local dish eh.” Tseju asked, her shadow highlighted on the ground by the sun seemed to bear a distinct resemblance to the god of mischief himself.  

“My grandma used to make it all the time. Whenever we would visit for the holidays, she’d stuff us full with the stuff. My sis and I, we never complained. See we love the dish” he disclosed.

“You know, I thought your six pack was just shy and hiding under the one pack, but now I know it’s nonexistent thanks to grandma.”

Tseju watched, completely fascinated and utterly enraptured as his face beamed like a house set alight with Christmas rice lights, his eyes gleamed, bright as twin brown diamonds on his chiseled face. Sigh! Bayo Ayodeji Jacobs was definitely her new Man Crush Everyday.  

“We’re here.” he announced, his voice thick with an emotion she was sure her crazy mind had misinterpreted as reluctance. It seemed like Bayo didn’t want to leave. But then again, she was a hopeless romantic with an imagination whose salary was sky high due to overtime charges so, she had definitely misinterpreted him.

“Thanks for the walk, and the conversation.”

“Erm…” Clears throat, “So, I’ll see you later?” He asked. He really wanted to see her again. The girl was fun to talk with. She loved food, was very beautiful, was witty, wasn’t lewd and more importantly, the whole time they were talking, she didn’t throw herself at him. Since coming to Zanden, he’d met girls upon girls who threw their selves at him. He suspected it was mostly because of his father’s money, and that irritated him to no end. This girl acted like he had zero effect on her. She’d even teased him, called him fat. This amongst other obvious things fed the attraction he had towards her.

“Yea sure. Later.”

OmiGod!!!! 17 views????? THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCHH!!!!

Yes yes, you can finally picture Tseju in your head. Isn't she hot??? 😏 😏 😏

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With Love 💋
Bolanle 🌹

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