Chapter Eleven

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I promised another chapter would be up before this week ran out. I kept my promise, enjoy! 😊😊😊


As female after female made their way into the very spacious room, the oils they had applied generously to their hair and skin before stepping out of their various houses imprinted on the environment in such a way that the penthouse suite smelt like the walls had been painted with pure organic coconut oil.

The interior decor itself looked like it was meant to be on display at some Ankara festival. The space in its own was painted a fantastic shade of red that conjures the image of a newly fed vampire's fangs to mind. The default factory skin of the enormous California King Sized bed was tucked away under a Yellow Star print Ankara  bedsheet. The five fleeced pillows were of the same design. The duvet itself was of the same design, but Red in color. The curtains hanging from ceiling to floor of the same Star Ankara Design had a Jet Black background and was studded with Yellow stars.

Landing with a dramatic flourish on the gigantic bed, Toyen all but squealed, "Girl!!! What is happening with this penthouse???? Can i live here forever?"

"I bet she's already thinking about all the orgies she'll have here." Zanadel said, striking an "Awon Slay Queen" post to take a mirror selfie.

"You wen talk am, na you dey think that kind thing. Bad pikin." Toyen said, sitting up.

Two days earlier, Tseju invited Diane and her squad over for a sleepover. They choose to do it in a hotel, a neutral ground for the sleep over. The hotel just so happened to be owned by the friend and client of Esohe's boyfriend.

"This place is lovely Eso!!! I can't believe your man did this."

"I knoooowww right. Inka is such an amazing guy!!!"

Esohe didn't comment, how could she? If she talk now, they wee say is pride. So, she just stood there basking in the praise of her man.

Yinka, Esohe's boyfriend specialised in all things Ankara and Interior Decor. They met during one of the Omoruyi's numerous family vacations to London. Their love story wasn't immediate for her but for him, he knew he wanted her from the moment he met her and 6 months later, after a trying experience for his family, he finally got her. Esohe was head over heels in love with her man, like she adored him from his always properly manicured feet to his never combed hair.

"See this one. Pride wants to kill her!!! See the way she's trying in vain to blush, but her dark skin won't allow her to be great." Toyen said.

"Ehn ehn. Ehn ehn!!! I did not come here for this! My man did not get us the penthouse suite of one the most prestigious hotels in Nigeria who just so happens to be his client and friend just so his girlfriend could get roasted." Esohe retorted, wagging her index finger in Toyen's direction.

"Ah ahnnn!! Why wee somebody wantu roast you again??? As ya already black like this?? Somebody wee stee roast you? You wee just be invisible." Diane said, hurriedly shuffling backwards to avoid anything Esohe would throw at her.

"Yessooo!! If we wan know if she dey around, we go ask am make she shine teeth." Toyen said, rolling on the bed, laughing like a choking Hyena.

Picking up the nearest pillow, Esohe initiates the pillow fight scene that is featured in almost every sleep over scene of an "oyimbo" movie.

Soon the girls have all changed into night lingerie. Some had already tucked their weaves and braids into satin bonnets, and the others sat for their natural tresses to be oiled and twisted into protective styles before it could be tucked into a satin bonnet. The strezzfulnezz of natural hair. Sigh. The noiseless sound of 4C natural hair being oiled and twisted mingled loosely with the sound of Toyen's voice pioneering the #Menaskum movement with woeful tales of the kind of men she'd come across.

"Oh girl! I say he broke up with me because of that ohh. Said I'd embarrassed him with my clumsiness."

"Sooo it's your fault that you got stained bah??"

"My sister help me ohhh!! Help me. I wanted to scream his ears off! What's even worse, he did it over the gaddam phone!!!"

"Chimoooooo!!! Take me now Lord! Just take me! Before i hunt down somebody's mistake of a sperm and kill him now." Diane said, as she applied Jojoba oil to the lines in Esohe's scalp.

"No, but why are men useless like this??" Toyen asked.

"No naaaa! I don't agree with that. Not all men are useless ohhhh please. Inka is not useless biko." Esohe said, effectively disassociating her man from the Menaskum clan.

"Oya sorry ni. All men except Inka are men that are useless." Toyen adjusted, making a Philosophy and Logic reference.

"Noooo!! That's invalid. My Bayo is not useless!!!" Tseju joined in, refusing to allow her man be lined up side by side the Menaskum clan.

"I swear oh girl. E dey muzz me to hear you talk about man liedis ohh" Tessy said, finally joining in on the conversation. Tseju's new found demeanour towards relationship still amazed her.

"Bayo is different. He's not like any other man." Tseju said, a dreamy look in her eyes.

"That's what they all say until he pulls a Femi and breaks their heart." Toyen said.

Diane huffed at her friend, "Shut up e. You're just jealous." and to Tseju, "No mind this one, keep going."

"I swear you guys!! This man is set to kill me with kindness!"

"There are worse ways to go nii. Shu i give you options?" Ada says, her face lighting up with a mischievous glint.

Tseju sends a menacing glare her way before continuing. "As i was sayinggggh before this wan that swallowed parrot interrupted." Throws a glare at Ada. "So yesterday, him and the boys, they came over."

" Those fine boys!!!"

"Shut uppp lemme finish." She sends another glare Ada's way before continuing. "So, we were talking. Like normal talk, just gisting, then i started oiling my hair. Like cutting it into lines and oiling, normal stuff. Next thing i know, literally in the middu of a conversation, he stands, walks over to me and I'm thinking oh he wants to get something from behind me or something, but no oh. He walks right up to me, takes the comb and starts cutting my hair. Likeeeee!! Like it's nothing. He starts struggling with my curls, but he's trying to be gentle and all. Then, Mako gets up and I'm worried!! He walks up to me, takes the oil and just stands there holding it, so as Bayo is cutting lines in my hair, he's oiling it. And they just kept gisting like it was notthhiinnngggg!!! Guyyyyyy!!! I was too stunned to say shiiii. That thing touched me sha."

And all the girls in the room said, "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww."


Everytime i post a new chapter, it feels like I'm writing a different book entirely 😢😢 Please y'all help me check my character consistency.

Also, Uniben students!!! Did y'all get the PHL 110 reference???

What's happening??? You guys no comment again 😢😢😭😭😭 STTAAPPP IT'S BREAKING MY HEART!!!

With Love 💋
Bolanle 🌹

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