Chapter Nine

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HAPPPPPYY NEW YEAR GUYYYSS!!!How did y'all spend your holiday season? Me, i spent most of mine babysitting and cleaning up after my sisters thriple threat 😥😥😥I've given up on weight loss, so now I'm looking for a new New Year Resolution

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How did y'all spend your holiday season? Me, i spent most of mine babysitting and cleaning up after my sisters thriple threat 😥😥😥
I've given up on weight loss, so now I'm looking for a new New Year Resolution... Any suggestions?


Camels, horses, bulls maybe even some sumo wrestler like foot soldiers were hosting the loudest stomp fest ever inside Tseju’s forehead. Last night, she accepted every drink the bartender threw her way, and by the time she got back to her room, she was higher than the NECOM House. This morning however, she was lower than the IQ of that one student who does expo and copies everything, name and grammatical errors inclusive.

    “Tseju I still feel like you should give him a chance to explain.”

    After a few painkillers, lots of water and more sleep, Tseju finally felt ready to face the world. After waking up to 15 missed calls from her mom, she advised herself to clean out her ears because she was going to get another earful from the woman once she got a hold of her. Right now, she had her best friends to tackles. She’d thought she’d get some sympathy from them after explaining the cause of her actions. However, the reverse was the case. If anything, they kept on making excuses for Bayo, and it was pissing her of.  

    “Yea, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions just like that. It’s not like you caught him doing anything wrong, he was just holding hands with a girl.” Tess said, her perfectly arched eyebrows taking yoga positions as she spoke.

    “Ehnnn, no be say you catch them for corner now oh.” Ada joined, agreeing with her other friend. She knew very well all about Tseju’s trust issues, but this one was too much.

    “Exactly. So chill girl, pick up your phone and talk this out like adults. I can’t believe you went and got wasted over some baseless assumption.” It wasn’t obvious in her voice, but Tess really hoped this Bayo thing was a huge misunderstanding. After that last heartbreak, she’d watched Tseju build huge walls around her heart and play games with men, reducing them to ATMs and sexual objects and Tess was sick of it.  Things were different with Bayo tho. It seemed he had somehow thawed a small spot through Tseju’s heart.

    “Guyyyy you dey feel am. I mean, he was right there, all you had to do was walk right over and ask. Last last if that was his babe, you for even alert the girl say see oh, your guy wan collect fufu from you use am chop my egusi oh.” Ada said, her voice raised slightly above the normal range.

    “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH God! You guys, shut up! Who asked you to play conscience? Ehn? Who?” Okay, Ada’s voice was raised slightly above normal, but Tseju, she was actually shouting now.

    “Ehn ehn, don’t give me that attitude. You know you can’t hold your liquor abi have you forgotten so quickly what happened the last time you went and drowned your head in a bottle.” Somehow, Ada managed to keep her voice still slightly above average.

    “Don’t you dare throw my past in my face!” Tseju, this one just can’t stop shouting.

    “Oya Oya guys guys, calm down. It’s okay ehn, calm down. There’s no point in arguing. Sisi, we’re hear because we’re worried about you, we’re not the enemy.” Now Tess had to raise her voice to restore some decorum to the room.

    “Exactly! We know exactly how much you like this guy. Seriously, not every man is a Femi. From everything you’ve said about this guy, I don’t think he’s trash oh, you better call him and stop letting your village people use your picture to fan garri.” Ada said, pointing one finger sporting a properly manicured Orange colored nail in Tseju’s direction.

    “Even if I call him, how do I know he’s telling the truth?” Tseju asked, the despair evident in her voice. She was sick and tired of shallow relationships and since Ben, that’s all she’d been able to do. But she was a romantic at heart, she wanted hearts and flowers, 3am phone calls, she wanted to see her worth in someone else’s eyes. She wanted, nay, needed to feel again. She was tired of playing games. That’s why the Bayo thing was hurting her so bad. She was finally feeling again.


“We were in broad daylight, broad daylight Tseju. Why would i even want to bring my supposed girlfriend to your school? Your school Tseju!”

Tseju was feeling very stupid. You probably can't tell cos this is a novel not a movie, but i can. So lemme tell you. Tseju was feeling a level of stupid that made Patrick Star look smart. She'd heeded the advice of her besties and finally returned Bayo’s call after ignoring it 56 times. They'd agreed to meet up and she'd finally accosted him with her lavish accusations. But, his excuse was solid, the girl she saw him with was his younger sister June. She had an academic paper to turn in, and she'd chosen the UNIBEN Faculty of Engineering as her research ground. Bayo was her personal chauffeur.

“But it's cool tho. That means you were jealous, and jealousy means you feel something for me.”

“That's very obvious.”

“This isn't how i wanted to say this, or ask you this. I had it all planned out, there was gonna be red roses and candles, fancy dinner. But all that stuff is for the movies. Tseju i like you. A lot. A whole lot. Like i don't wanna go to bed without talking to you. For the first time in years, i wake up and I'm not thinking about work or reading or exercising, I'm thinking about one Yoruba girl with thighs for days and a mind so sharp my ego gets bruised just talking to her. This past few days were drafty. All i wanted to do was be with you, talk to you, hear you laugh, hold you…”

“But you got the chance to kiss me and you didn't. Why?”

“We're not a thing yet, me and you. See, I'm a bit old fashioned, i believe the guy should court, then ask and the girl should say yes or no before the physicals begin. Weird i know, but that's how I'm built.”


“Yea, so, without the roses and the candles or the fancy dinner but with your tear stained cheeks and my determined heart, i ask you Tseju, will you be my girl?”

“Determined heart?”

“Yea, I'm determined to show you what love looks like, what it means to be the center of some persons attraction. The main act, the moon in a sky full of stars, the biggest piece of meat in a bowl filled with grains. It's been years since I've felt this way about a lady.”

“What way?”

“You'll see.”

Unis_Nathaniel hope this is deeper???

We've crossed the 200 mark!!!!
265 Reads, 73 Votes and 57 Comments 😢😢😢😢 Despite my inactiveness, I don't deserve you guys!!! Y'all are the best!!!

Oh and the name Femi isn't referring to anyone in particular, it's a generally accepted name for the most elite Nigerian casanova crew widely known as Yoruba demons. And the NECOM House is the tallest building in Nigeria which is located in the former capital of the country - Lagos State.

I know y'all probably angry, don't beat me, the holiday season was hectic, and work has beeenn sooo consuming
I'm so so so sorrryyyyy but i promise, I'm back now 😊😊😊

* runs for cover *

Please please don't forget to Share to your friends, we can reach 300!!! Keep the comments rolling in, i really enjoy hearing what y'all think, and please please don't forget to click the star like thingy at the end of the page to Vote.

With Love 💋
Bolanle 🌹

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