Chapter 12: The Invite

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So Via is going to be played by Pyper America but with black hair. If you missed who I said is playing Athena and Leo a couple chapters ago then I'll put it again here. Athena- Thylane Blondeau. Leo- Lucky Blue Smith. Lucky and Pyper are siblings in real life.


My mother's eyes widened in shock. I bet she wasn't expecting that answer out of me. When I was little I always listened to my mother and never disobeyed her. I wanted to make her proud and become a daughter she could brag about to her friends. That was years ago. Things have changed since then. A lot has changed since then.

I'm not the same girl I was 4 years ago. I'm older and more mature and smarter. It's going to take a lot more than a simple apology from her for me to forgive her.

"What?" she asked. My mom was clearly confused by my answer.

"You hear me. No. After everything you have put our family through, you really think I'm going to forgive you just like that? You left us when we needed you the most. You ignored and abandoned us due to your own selfish needs. I get that you were in pain. Trust me, I was too. But that does not excuse what you did to us."

By now my eyes were brimming with tears, but I didn't care. I had to let this out. I have been holding this in for 4 years and now that it's coming out it won't stop. It's like the dam holding all my emotions in had finally broken.

"A family is supposed to stick together through thick and thin and not abandon one another. I waited by the front door countless nights, waiting and hoping to see you walk through the door and say you were sorry for leaving. But that day never came. You walked out and never looked back. I don't think I can ever forgive you for that."

My mother looked at me in horror. This is the first time in my life I've ever spoken to her like this and it felt great. I was finally able to get everything off my chest and it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Coming here today was a good choice, even though we ended up fighting.

It helped me realize that Via and my father were my only real family that I had left. They stuck with me when my mother left. If she was really my mother she wouldn't have left my father and I. I stood up and pushed out of my seat, walking towards the exit. "Athena please," my mother begged me.

"No, just no."

I shrugged off her hand that grabbed my upper arm and walked out.


After I left, I decided to go into the city since I hadn't been in a month, also because I didn't really want to go home right now. It was barely 11:30 so the mall shouldn't be that crowded yet. I don't really like shopping at the mall, I only like looking at the same 3 stores at the mall. I got in my car and drove the 15 minutes to the mall and parked in the first spot I found.

The parking spot was actually pretty full right now, but hopefully I won't be here that long. As I was walking in to the mall, I noticed a familiar motorcycle parked near the front but I couldn't remember where I knew it from. Oh well, it doesn't really matter.

Most people in the mall were forming lines in the food court, because it was around lunch time and people were getting hungry. I weaved my way through the crowd and took a left. My favorite candle store of all time was located in this back corner of the mall that didn't get that much foot traffic.

Which made it the best place for wanting to avoid other people. I cam here when I wanted to relax and have some me time. The store opened an hour ago, so when I walked in there was a couple people browsing the shelves, probably looking for the perfect scent for their significant other.

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