Part 12

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A/N: Sorry for the long break! I'm back!

Katara's POV

Getting into the Fire Nation is a thing I'd always hoped I wouldn't have to do until Aang was ready to fight their king. And yet, here I am. I looked down to see large long-ships sailing the seas, their bright red flags swaying harshly from the wind. It was lucky that I looked down at that very moment, or maybe I wouldn't have had the time to see it. A young, blonde-haired boy wearing one of those ridiculous helmets, gaze drifting upwards. Gaze drifting towards me.

Oh no, oh no.

There was shouting, but I jerked upwards in order to not hear it. To get away from it. Appa's pace picked up on my command, and we continued forwards to the palace. Fire was being hurled in our direction, and I closed my eyes for just a moment, silently hoping that somehow, in some way, we would make it out alive and go save Zuko.


Those words came from a person I knew very well. I smiled, knowing that the miracle that I'd wished for had finally come.

"Aang!" I called back, not wanting to waste time. "Can you distract the ships for me? I'm going to go save Zuko!"

Aang gave me a nod, and swooped downwards. I closed my eyes, wishing for him to survive as well. I continued flying forwards, until finally reaching my destination. I smiled, which would be the first and last time I smiled upon seeing the palace of the Fire Nation.

"Appa, down there!" I whispered in his ear, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention from any guards that could be lurking around.

Appa obeyed, and soon we were on the ground. I signaled for him to hang tight, and not be spotted before rushing into the large palace. My pace picked up as I ran silently through the long halls.

"Get the fuck away from me!"

I stopped when I heard the sound of that voice.

Terrible temper.

Terrible cursing.

Voice that he considers to be manly, but whimpers periodically.

That's my boyfriend, alright.

I rushed into the room, not caring who heard me at this point. There seemed to be no guards around, so I wasn't worried. Maybe they were all on some sort of vacation, or something.

"Katara!" Zuko called.

He was chained in the center of the room, with that nasty bitch- I mean, Azula- standing in front of him. She gave me a toothy grin, which certainly wasn't a welcoming one.

"Let him go!" I said, somehow hoping that would somehow make a difference in the situation.

"You're finally here." Azula said with her usual snarly manner. "I had hoped it would be the avatar that would witness this, but I suppose Zuko's little girlfriend will do instead."

Neither me nor Zuko said anything, causing a raise of eyebrows from Azula.

"Really?" She said, seeming somewhat delighted. "Looks like I was right on the money. Well, let me celebrate the new couple."

With one slash, Zuko's bloody corpse lay on the ground, engulfed in fire. A laugh echoed throughout the room, and I was left to stand there.

What. . . ?

A/N: please comment and vote if you enjoyed it, and I hope to do well for all of you lovely viewers!

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