Story 3

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Story 3:



IT WAS HOT. BURNING. THE SUN MELTED STREETS AND STUNG HER FACE. MEI pulled the headpiece of her sari over her face and blew a chunk of chopped black hair out of her face. The uneven cut of her hair annoyed her - just like this place. The streets were too crowded for her liking, too alive. Kids in rags ran in the narrow alleys of the streets. Shoppers dodged the kids as well as desperate shopkeepers in their makeshift stores. People shouted for taxis as they whizzed by, leaving trails of dust.

There was one perk of being in New Delhi- there always were perks in the Foundation - and to her luck Mei had found that after the New Delhi mission, which was deemed to be a short one, she could retire for a month in the Maui Dreamhouse Mansion. The mansion was given the name because of its dreamlike views and endless supply of servants, all awaiting her orders. She had met people who had stayed in the mansion - all of them older and stronger than her, with more battle-like Legacies, and realized the only reason she was allowed in the mansion was because of her deadly Legacy. At first she had frowned upon the thought, but then grinned - she was being privileged and worshipped by others - yet another perk that the Foundation offered.

Shaking her head, Mei continued on. There were only a few more turns before she'd end up at the target's house and she needed to be prepared. Pulling out her attache, she caught a glimpse of a man - muscular - standing around six feet tall with a pistol in his hand. Mei groaned. She tried to convince the Foundation that she wouldn't need Blackstone Mercenaries, at least, not on this mission. They would attract too much attention and she didn't need her target noticing a bunch of men with guns. What Mei was depending on was trust. She was going to make her target trust her, then take her down when the time was right, but with the Blackstone Mercenaries following her around, Mein knew that way was out of the window. It seemed as if the Foundation was getting anxious. Mei had picked up bits of conversation about the original Garde - two of them left without Legacies and she'd heard about other organizations taking the kids that the Foundation wanted. Although, the most shocking news of all was the traitor Einar and his supposed murder of the Foundation's most trusted executive.

Einar, she had concluded a few weeks ago, was a fool. He let go of power when he was at the peak of it. He had a powerful Legacy, no doubt, but he also held a powerful reputation. He saved the Arabian prince, but then let a little girl convince him of his wrongdoing. Mei sneered distastefully. What an idiot.

"You've arrived." The voice in her ear startled Mei from her thoughts. The voice, filled with annoyance, came from a earpiece communicator. Mei looked up to find a narrow dirt path leading to a crumbling apartment that towered above her. Looking around, Mei saw many other homes just like the one in front of her. Nodding her head a little, she headed into the the dirty brown apartment through a door without hinges. Mei set the door aside and walked into the home.

Mei found the target in no time; she was sleeping on a mattress covered with cloths of different colors and sizes. Mei set her attche down and studied the target for a moment. She was tall, skinny, with long, dark hair and matching skin. She wasn't much, Mei supposed, the only Legacy she had so far was telekinesis, but that didn't matter. What did matter was if she got the girl back to the Foundation alive.

Mei thought about the Maui Dreamhouse Mansion again. She picked up the tranquilizer gun from her attache and shot the girl in the neck to keep her asleep for a whole day. She then carried the girl's body out of the house and into the limousine the Foundation had waiting for her.

The Foundation would be pleased.

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