Story 5

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KK guys! Finally, got some more content! This story is dedicated to @elephant576! Be sure to check out her account and follow her! She has been truly amazing and dedicated to reading my books! Thank you! P.S. Sorry if this one's short!!



"ALINA, THINK ABOUT IT! AMERICA OF ALL PLACES! LOOK WHAT THEY'RE OFFERING - money! It's not like that stupid Human Garde crap - this is something new, something better! We could -"

Alina cut the boy's high-pitched pleading off with a simple wave of her hand. The boy never kept going after the motion, he knew better - his jaw was still ached from the hard uppercut she'd given him a few days ago, but just because he stopped talking didn't mean he stopped thinking. The fifteen-year-old boy had done a fair amount of research about sanctuaries for kids with Legacies - from something as public as the HGA, to something as private as the Foundation. Though both options were quite popular, they didn't spark the boy's interest. The Human Garde Academy took a person with Legacies and shoved them into a school with no freedom. The Foundation, on the other hand, - well, that was just based on false promises and harsh punishments. The boy knew there was a better option out there, so when he stumbled upon the Fighters he simply couldn't resist signing up. After he made contact with Jagger Dennings, a former MMA fighter and head of the Fighters, he decided to convince Alina, his best friend, to join, too.

When he finally brought up the idea, she hadn't responded kindly.

Alina used to be athletic - very athletic - until the invasion. During the invasion, she was protected by her rich family, safely guarded in her parents' mansion, far away from anyof the fighting. However, she didn't enjoy it; she wanted to fight those Mogs more than anything. So when a Mog troop invaded her home in pursuit of her father, a traitor Mog-Pro, she couldn't run away. She fought hard, dogging through Mogs and taking shots, until one of them - presumably the troop leader, shot her in the leg with a gun so powerful it knocked her unconscious immediately.

When she finally woke up, she wasn't the same. She was paralyzed from the waist down.

After the war, a lot had changed. The war gave her a crippled body, but also gave her Legacies, more accurately, telekinesis. The war had taken away her dreams, but only temporarily. There was always some hope that a healer could save her. However, there was something the war didn't give to her, rather she discovered herself. The thing she gave herself scared her at first,as it was the same thing that killed her father, but she learned to accept it, keep it, treasure it. The thing that was given to her was a gift only meant for the worthy.

The gift was the hunger for power.

With that in mind, Alina turned toward the boy - her best friend, her companion since the war. With a sneer Alina turned her back towards him. Companions and friends were liabilities; they were untrustworthy. A dagger, small, with a diamond-edged blade popped out of her pocket. With one fluid motion, she drove the dagger right into the boy's heart and kept it there until the light faded from his confused, fearful eyes.

Alina let go of the dagger and let the boy's useless body fall to the ground. Dead. With a smirk, she spat upon the boy's body and licked his blood clean from her dagger forming a plan in her wicked mind.

She was going to join The Fighters.

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