Story 4

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Story 4:



SHE HAD SEARCHED PATIENCE CREEK COUNTLESS TIMES LOOKING FOR HIM. THE blond-haired, blue-eyed, boy. John. She whispered the name over and over again, waiting for him to answer - he never did. She used to scream his name, but her voice is fading now - just like her body, her mind, her soul and sanity. She used to cry too - for John, for Bernie Kosar and Biscuit, and for the lives sacrificed in the Patience Creek massacre. It was funny, Sarah had once thought, that last thing she could see was more death. It was as if the universe didn't want the dead version of her to see happiness.

Sarah picked her way through a pile of dead bodies near the elevator. When she had died, she was put into darkness. She didn't have any way of knowing how much time passed, she only new that the darkness gave way into current time when Mark had buried her. Sarah watched Mark cry - the only weakness she'd ever seen out of him - and then watched helplessly as he was dragged away by the Mogadorians. At first she tried to fight, then with deep dread, realized she couldn't. After, she was quickly spilled into the massacre of Patience Creek. The screaming and crying, John beaten up and leashed, the humans with Legacies fighting and dying. Although those memories were dying away with her body, the emotions stayed. The anger. The fear. The confusion. She was ready to watch the fight and, hopefully, death of Setrakus Ra, but that didn't happen. Instead, she got stuck in Patience Creek, unable to escape the deathouse.

Sarah sat down on the floor of the elevator- not by choice, but by some unseen force. She knew that days, in current time, had passed. She didn't know if the war was over, if John was still alive - if anyone, for that matter, was still alive. Sarah had accepted it - she would be taken away from this world, permanently, without knowing. Although she had long stopped crying, Sarah couldn't help but bring the burning sensation back in her eyes. She laid out her hands and her fingers brushed some sharp object. Sarah looked down and picked the item up. It was a shard of mirror, bigger than her hand with jagged edges. The piece of mirror was slightly cracked, but that didn't seem to affect the person staring back at her.

Staring back at her was herself - no doubt, but different somehow. She still had the same high cheekbones and ivory skin. She still had her baby-blue eyes and stunning blond hair, but it was all different. Sarah's eyes, for starters, were the same color as always, although now, they seemed to lack passion and love. Her eyes seemed dead - not colorless - just a muted blue - foggy and lost. Sarah's blond hair no longer seemed to glow and float with the wind, instead it stayed still and sagged, covered with dry blood and dirt. Positioning the mirror in between her legs, the reflection of her face was unrecognizable. Her high-cheekbones were still there, but her skin - once ivory colored - was covered with dirt, blood, and cuts. In the end, she didn't look like the girl from Paradise. Sarah didn't look like the "Queen Popular of Paradise". She didn't look like the "loving photographer who fell in love with an alien". She looked like a monster - dead, inside and out, with no hope, no love, no passion.

Sarah was fading, fast. As if she knew this, Sarah curled into a ball, hugged the mirror shard to her chest, and closed her eyes. Visions swam before her eyes. Their first kiss. The first time they met. Sharing the bed in the John Hancock Center.

Sarah smiled. It had been a good life, a short one, but she wouldn't have traded it for the world.

Sarah opened her parched mouth and croaked out her very last sentence.

"I'll be back John...."

With that Sarah Hart was gone.

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