forty one

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I rush to get to breakfast, and since Chuck is so excited about seeing Thomas, he doesn't question my eagerness. I'm ready quickly, and Chuck wheels me out, babbling on about what he wants to tell Thomas after not seeing him for so long.

Chuck didn't have any night terrors I was around for last night, but the thought of him having them alone breaks my heart. Since knowing the kid, I've begun to feel a sense of responsibility for him. He's only got the Normals. I wonder how many of them feel like their only family is each other.

Pondering this doesn't last long, because as we enter the dining room, my thoughts are focused on only Thomas. Why would they let him out? I'm glad they are, obviously, but it doesn't make any sense.

Just last night, Ava Paige was asking what to do about Thomas. They clearly see him as a threat, so why take him out of solitary? Especially when he'll be around Gally? And me?

That's another thing I have to worry about. Ava Paige doesn't want me to leave TIMI because I know too much. If I don't get sane soon, I don't think I'll ever get out of here.

Chuck helps me sit at the table, and as I do my tens, I feel sick. The only good thing is that Thomas is getting out of solitary. Whatever the reason, I'll have him back. Chuck will have him back.

I look down the table, past the Normals. It takes me a moment to realize, but Gally isn't here today. Did he do something to lose his privileges again? Or maybe something worse happened. Now I feel even worse, shaking my leg in tens in an attempt to calm myself down.

"Are you alright?" I look up to see Fry staring down at me, his head tilted. He sets down my plate, then puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine," I say, realizing how dumb that is as it's coming out of my mouth. Frypan nods, and I can still sense the tension between us. I don't want him to hate me. "Listen, Fry—"

"Actually, I'll be back in a minute. I still have things to do. Hold that thought," Fry says. It stings, but he still manages to sound polite. He pats my shoulder, then heads back towards the kitchen. I don't bother protesting. Maybe he will be back like he said.

For the next five minutes, I watch the door. There's conversation going on around me, so I distract myself slightly by listening to it. I don't join in until I see Frypan sit down at the table.

He doesn't look at me at first. I'm thinking he'll just flat out ignore me until he turns to me. He's sitting on the other side of the table, next to Zart and Jeff. So if I'm going to talk to him, it'll have to be over a bunch of people.

"What were you going to say?" Fry asks.

"I just wanted you to know that when I left TIMI—" I cut myself off when two different conversations come to a screeching halt after I start. They're all looking at me now. Great. "It wasn't to cheat the program. I want to get better, and I'm working on it. Promise."

It takes him a moment to respond, but he nods. "Alright, man. I just know you can recover, and I don't want you to throw it away."

This seems to satisfy the nosiness of everyone else at the table, so now it's just Fry paying attention to me. I'm relieved; I didn't want this hanging over me.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I'm not going to throw it away," I say.

When I got here, I never would have said any of this. Not believing it, at least. The goal was to get better, but it never looked possible. Not until recently.

I owe that to a few things—and the number one thing is walking through the door right now.

Thomas looks just as confused as I am about being here. Irrationally, it makes me smile a bit. Seeing him back here, feeling the comfort his presence provides. Because we're in this together. Whatever bad things are happening, I know he's going through it with me, and that means a lot at the moment.

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