Disney Vs/Poll Elders

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Okay everybody, recently, I went around Wattpad, looking for the most frequent and common voters in my Disney Vs/Poll and I asked them to be part of a special group called the "Disney Vs/Poll Elders".

This is a group of five Wattpaders who vote the most frequently and are the most rambunctious and defensive voters in this Poll book. And they are:






These are the Five Disney Vs/Poll Elders. Now, you may be wondering what is so "special" about this group. Well, as I said, they are the most frequent and common voters in my Poll Book.

And you also may be wondering "What comes along with this 'Elder' title?" Well, if an Elder votes AFTER a poll has been announced closed, but the next chapter has not yet been posted, then their vote will count.

And, this title also gives the Elders the authority to announce a Poll Closed as long as I am nowhere to be found and the poll is still on going. (And if you're an Elder and you are reading this, don't forget, you CANNOT announce a poll closed unless there are AT LEAST 15 votes).

Now, if you're not part of the Five Elders, and you're complaining how you're not one, well let me tell you something. Everybody who voted in this book went into consideration when I tried to find the perfect Five to be named Elders. I hand picked these Five with my own bare hands.

And so from now on, the five Wattpaders listed above, are now officially the Disney Vs/Poll Elders!

(Oh, and by the way, if you are a reader of this and have a Disney Poll of your own, you are not allowed to use this idea.)

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