And the Winner Is...

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Here we are Ladies and Gentlemen, the Final Two, the Finale. Right here, right now, we will found out which film won the Studio Ghibli Competition. You all cast your votes and we have our winner. And that movie is one of these two:




Whichever wins will be named the Best Ghibli Film ever. 

But before we reveal the victor, let us have an overlook of the competition:

16th place: Tales From Earthsea 

15th place: From Up On Poppy Hill 

14th place: Porco Rosso 

13th place: Ponyo 

12th place: The Cat Returns 

11th place: Grave of the Fireflies 

10th place: The Secret World of Arrietty 

9th place: Whisper of the Heart 

8th place: Princess Mononoke *sigh* 

7th place: The Wind Rises 

6th place: Laputa: Castle in the Sky 

5th place: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 

4th place: Kiki's Delivery Service 

3rd place: My Neighbor Totoro 

And now...the moment you have all been waiting for...right here...right now...we will announce the winner of the Studio Ghibli...and the movie that won is...........SPIRITED AWAY!! 

Congratulations to Spirited Away for winning the competition, but whatever you do, don't forget to congratulate Howl's Moving Castle for making runner-up! 

Spirited Away has now been named the Best Studio Ghibli movie! Congrats once again!

((Now, for the next competition, I really don't know what to do. I'm debating on either Pixar Villains, Disney Princes, or Oscar Nominated Songs. So, I want your people's opinions. Comment down below which poll you want next.))

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