4. Party games

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Day 2
Asher and Taylor
Hannah and Mason
Jodie and Kyle
Violetta and James
Zoe and Dougie

"I've got a text!" Dougie shouts, getting everyone's attention. Most people are near Dougie anyway, but James and I are sunbathing on the other side of the villa so we get up and jog over to Dougie. "You've spent a whole day and night with your couples and it's nearly time for Alex to steal a girl off of one of the guys. But before that, it's time to learn a little more about the girls #YouNeverToldMeThat #SurpriseSurprise."

Everyone gets really excited with the prospect of a game, but all I feel is nervous. I'm terrified that everyone's going to either find out about my mum or my daughter. And both of those options won't end well. The girls all line up in a row with their partners facing them. Alex is the one reading the questions. "Kyle, kiss the girl who has had a threesome, a foursome, and a fivesome." Kyle scans all of us before making his way up to Jodie and gives her a kiss. "That's correct."

Jodie looks really embarrassed and turns a little red, "it was when I was at university." She claims, trying to make it sound better.

Alex then reads the next question, "Dougie, which girl calls her mum whenever she has to pay a bill?" Dougie instantly walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the lips but I'm a little offended. Do I really look like the type who can't function without the help of my mum? "That's incorrect, the correct answer was Asher."

The game goes on for a while, and so far everyone knows that I climbed a rugby goal post when I was drunk and fell from it and broke three bones in my body. It's safe to say that that was my wild phase and I'm a lot more responsible now. "Last question, Taylor, which girl has five generations in her family?"

"What does that mean?" Taylor asks, and the guys laugh at him, shaking their heads about how dim he's being.

"Mate," James starts, explaining what generations means. "If there were two generations it would be mother and daughter. Three generations is daughter mother and grandma. Get it?"

He nods with a smile, and I think all the girls are rolling their eyes at this point. Taylor walks over to Asher and kisses her, but I think he just wanted to kiss the girl he coupled up with rather than the girl that the statement actually applies to. "Sorry Taylor, it was Violetta."

A few people look at me as if asking how that's possible. I really don't want to tell everyone that the reason it's possible is because I was a teen mum, so instead I say "I'm Italian, what do you expect?" This causes everyone to chuckle, and I can't believe I got away with that.

When we get back to the villa, I'm sat at the fire pit with Dougie, Taylor, James and Mason. "So Violetta, we learnt a lot about you. You seem like a bit of a wild one with that rugby post story." Mason says.

"I was a bit of a wild child back in the day." I laugh at the memory, as fun as it was getting drunk every night, the months after that incident wasn't fun at all. "Think it's safe to say I won't go climbing a rugby post any time soon."

"Taylor!" Asher shouts, stopping our conversation. "Taylor, come here." Clearly Asher doesn't want any other girl talking to her man, even if it is in a group. The other guys also leave, saying they should check on their girls, leaving James and I alone again.

"So how old were you when that happened?" James asks, getting back to the story.

"Sixteen." I tell him, "so I was a massive lightweight back then." He laughs at my comment, but I know I can't let him believe that I'm still like that now. "But that was the old me, I like to think I'm a lot more responsible now."

"That's good." He says, and I give him a look indicating for him to explain why that's good. "Well you don't want to feel like you're babysitting your partner on a night out, do you?"

Now I get what he's saying, and it makes a lot of sense. "That's the worst, it completely ruins the night." I agree, even though I don't really go out any more.


"So the girl I've decided to couple up with, is..." Alex says with a long dramatic pause. I look over at James, mentally telling him that I hope we stay partnered up, and his smile confirms that he feels the same. "Zoe."

I glance over at Dougie, who's sat next to me, and he doesn't seem too bothered that he's not in a couple any more. But it was pretty obvious to everyone that Zoe and Dougie were just going to be friends. "Dougie, are you alright mate?" I whisper to him, and he nods his head. "You sure?"

"Yeah." He whispers back, then everyone starts to stand up and leave the fire pit, but I decide to stay here. "Me and Zoe were never going to be a proper couple anyway, so it's fine."

"Have you got your eye on somebody else then?" I ask, not whispering anymore because we're alone now. "Or do you think you're going to wait for a new girl to come in?"

The corner of his mouth curls upwards to a small smile for a fraction of a second then returns to normal, but I still notice it. "I do actually have my eye on someone." I'm about to ask him who it is, but he carries on talking. "But I don't want to say who."

"God sake Dougie, why are you doing this to me." I joke, pretending to be in pain. "I need gossip to survive. I won't tell her."

"Fine." He laughs, and I sit up straight again, rubbing my hands together with a smile. "It's Hannah. She's so cute and shy, and I get on really well with her."

I smirk at his words, "I think it's time for me to work my magic." I claim, and he furrows his brows clearly not understanding what I'm planning. "Has no one ever told you that a man's best wingman is a wingwoman?"

He laughs at this and claps his hands together, "you know what, I think that might be true."

"Over the next couple days I'll subtly bring you up in conversation and plant the seed in her head." I stand up from my seat and he does the same. "I'm so excited. We need a name for this mission."

"Operation cobra." Why cobra? That seems so random. "You know, cause you're going to be like a little snake slithering in and being all sneaky."

"Wow, thanks for calling me a snake, Doug." I give him a playful shove and we're both really laughing at this stupid conversation. As we walk across the grass to the villa, we can't stop laughing, and James spots us and asks what's going on. "Dougie just called me a snake."

"I didn't mean it like that, Vee." He says between breaths, trying to get himself together. "You know what I meant." When he stops laughing, he turns to me. "Anyway, I'm gonna go get ready for bed, it's been a long day."

"See you tomorrow." I say as he goes, then I turn to James. "Bless him, I feel bad that he's the only one not in a couple."

"You seem to get on really well with him." James states, and I can detect a hint of jealousy in his voice. I've gotta make him realise that there's nothing going on between me and Dougie.

"Yeah, I can tell he's gonna be a really good mate." I reassure him, making it clear that we're nothing more than friends. "Now come on, let's go to bed. It's going to be an interesting day tomorrow."

"How come?" James asks as we walk into the bedroom, the other couples already in their beds.

I look up at James, looking him in his chocolate brown eyes, and smirk as I whisper. "No reason."

God, I'm so excited for operation cobra tomorrow. When I was younger I always pretended I was an international spy, and now I'm going to be able to live out my fantasy.

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