27. The Truth Comes Out

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Day 47
Faye and Charlie
Jodie and Kyle (official couple)
Liliana and Dougie (official couple)
Sophie and Ricky
Violetta and James (official couple)
Zoe and Alex

News of James' little phrase has circulated around the villa, and everyone is commenting on how adorable he is. It's almost like a running joke now though; this morning I spilt my cup of tea and I called myself an idiot, then Zoe instantly replied, "no Vee, you're perfect, just the way you are." It's almost as if James and I have our own little catchphrase now.

I look down at my phone and see that I got a text when I wasn't paying attention. So I say those famous words, "I've got a text!" I shout, and everyone huddled around me. "Girls, start thinking of the questions you're desperate to know because the boys will be hooked up to the lie detector this morning." This causes the girls to giggle and laugh, happy that they have all the power, but they stop when they realise that there's more on the text. "Boys, you're answers better be good because tonight is the final recoupling, and it's ladies choice. #TheFinalCountdown #LiarLiar ."

The villa turns manic after I read out my text, and I'm not surprised. It was a double bombshell in one message, I can't believe that the girls literally have all the power today. But I have no idea what I want to ask James, and I only have half an hour to figure it out.

I make my way upstairs to the secluded little room with Kyle. Looks like I'll be asking him questions on Jodie's behalf. He gets hooked up to a bunch of wires whilst I out on a pair of glasses and a lab coat, then I start to read the questions on the clipboard. "Kyle, do you think Jodie is the most attractive girl in the villa?"

"Yes." He instantly replies without any hesitation whatsoever, "one hundred percent."

After a few seconds, green lights fill the room, indicating that he was telling the truth. And I big smiles appears on both of our faces.

"Oh my god." I laugh, reading the next question, causing Kyle to look rather confused. "Kyle, do you get jealous of Jodie and Violetta's friendship?" This cause him to immediately start laughing, I can't believe Jodie added that question in there.

"No," he finally replies, but the room turns red. "Damnit." He laughs, "I didn't think I'd ever have to admit that I was jealous of a girl trying to steal away my girlfriend."

"Maybe I'm a home wrecker." I comment, causing the two of us to laugh. "Right next question." I start, getting back to what we're supposed to be doing. "Is there any other girl in the villa that you would want to couple up with?"

"No." He instantly replies, yet again, and the room turns green. "Jodie is the only girl for me."

I smile at his response, their relationship is so cute, but sometimes I don't realise it because of all the pranks they pull on each other and all of their silly little jokes. "Kyle, can you see a long term future with Jodie?"

He pauses to think, then replies within a matter of seconds. "Yes." And yet again the lights turn green.

"And last question." I start, reading off of the piece of paper. "Holy shit." I whisper to myself, Jodie mentioned the other day that she loves how I was the one who asked James to move in with me and how I was the one to ask him to be my boyfriend as well. She said it was so empowering that I didn't feel like I had to wait for him to ask me, but I didn't realise she was going to ask him today. "Kyle," I smile, not able to contain my joy, "will you move in with Jodie after you leave the villa?"

He smiles, looking up at me, making sure that was the genuine question that she asked and I give him a nod of confirmation. "I'd love to." He admits, before the lights in the room turn green, and the smiles on both of our faces instantly widen.

"Oh my god, congratulations." I say to him, pulling me into a hug, and then I pull away when I hear a noise coming from downstairs. "Can you hear that?" I ask, and he nods his head, laughing at the noise of cheering and applause coming from downstairs. Clearly the whole villa is excited for the two of them.

We go down stairs and Jodie instantly gets out of her seat and jumps on Kyle, and they kiss for what seems like forever. I sit down next to James, but he gets up pretty much as soon as I sit down because now it's his turn to answer my questions. On the little screen in front of us, we can see James day on a big chair with Faye day on the stool next to him, clipboard in hand. "James," She starts, "have you ever cheated on girls that you've dated in the past?"

"No, I've always been loyal." He replies with a little nod of his head, and I smile when it's revealed that he was telling the truth.

"James," Faye starts again, asking him the next question. "Outside of the villa, would you prioritise your job, or your relationship?"

"Obviously I run the business so I can't exactly neglect my job, but I'd also never neglect Vee either. So I'd make sure neither gets overlooked." He replies, and I could tell that was a difficult question. And I think he answered it really well, I was half expecting him to say that his job was really important, because it is.

"James," Faye laughs, reading the question on the clipboard, and I can tell which one she's reading right now. "Do you think you can handle being part of an Italian family?" He's about to answer, then gets interrupted by Faye, "and it says here, p.s. there's a lot of names to remember, Italians breed like rabbits."

This causes a big laugh, both from James and from the people sat on the sofa. "As if you put that in there." Ricky laughs, "but it's the question us Italians need to know."

"I think I'll be able to manage it." He chuckles, and he was telling the truth.

"Next question," Faye smiles, still finding the last question pretty funny. "Are you excited to live together outside of the villa?"

"Yes, definitely." He replies immediately, and the room turns green. I really appreciate his answers so far, but none of them have really mattered to me that much. All I care about is his next answer, this one is the one that matters.

Faye looks at James and finally asks him the question I've been wanting to know the answer to since I first coupled up with him, but I've been too afraid to ask. "James, how do you feel about meeting Violetta's daughter when you leave the villa?"

I bite my lip in anticipation, because I know it's not an easy question to answer, and I can tell that he has to think about what he's going to say. But finally, he responds, "I love everything about Violetta, including the fact that she's a mum." He smiles a little before continuing, "I'm a little nervous that she won't like me but hopefully I'll be able to show her all the love she never got from her real dad."

My jaw drops as he says this and I let out a sigh of relief as the room turns green. He was telling the truth. Coming into the villa, I knew I wanted to find a man that would accept me for who I am and that would be willing to care for my little girl. So when I see James wall down the stairs I instinctively get up and pull him into a hug, then look into his eyes and give him a gentle kiss. "I meant it." He reassures me, "I know Sofia means the world to you, and I can't wait to meet her."

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