23. Reuinited

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Day 42
Asher and Taylor (official couple)
Faye and Noah
Jodie and Kyle (official couple)
Liliana and Dougie
Sophie and Shayne
Violetta and James (official couple)
Zoe and Alex

"I've got a text!" Diego screams, and everyone perks up to listen. "Islanders, today you will be reunited with casa amore. The decision is in your hands, decouple with a new boy or stick with the old islanders? But remember, it won't be long till you find out what everyone has been saying behind closed doors. #DecisionsDecisions #AllOrNothing ."

Before we know it, evening has arrived and the girls are gathered around the fire pit, the new boys standing opposite, and Caroline Flack standing next to us. "Girls, it's been a hectic few days hasn't it?" She asks, and we all nod our heads in agreement. "But it's time to find out whether your boys have been loyal, or whether they've fallen for the new girls." She looks down at one of her cue cards, then starts speaking again. "Zoe, you're currently coupled up with Alex. Do you want to stay with Alex, or do you want to test the waters with one of the new boys?"

Zoe stands up and scans the boys in front of her, and takes a deep breath before answering Caroline's question. "It's been an amazing few days with these boys and I've made incredible friends, but I would be lying to myself if I decided to couple up with any of them. My heart belongs to Alex." She explains with a small smile, and all of us girls squeal with excitement, causing Zoe to laugh.

"Let's see if Alex has stayed loyal to you." Caroline announces, then we all turn to see whether he's coming into the villa alone or with a partner. Eventually he walks in, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief when he comes in alone. But no one looks as happy as Zoe does right now. Then hug and give each other a kiss, then sit down around the fire pit again. Then Caroline moves on to the next person. "Violetta," She says, catching me off guard. "You're not only coupled up with James, but you're also James' girlfriend. Have you been tempted these last few days?"

"Not in the slightest." I answer completely honestly, standing up. "James is the only man I have eyes for, and that's never going to change."

"Well that's saying a lot considering how attractive these guys are." Caroline says, gesturing to the new boys, "but let's see if James has resisted temptation too." We turn to look at where he's walking in from, and I don't feel nervous at all. There's not a doubt in my mind about whether he'll come in alone or with another girl.

And when he walks in, he's alone, and my face says it all. I'm absolutely overjoyed. He jogs up to me and picks me up, spinning me around. "I've missed you so much." He claims, then kisses me softly on the lips. "I was so scared you'd find someone else."

"Never." I reassure him as he places me back on the ground.

The evening continues, and they've been so many twists and turns. Sophie decided to split from Shayne, mainly due to what she heard in the tweet challenge, she coupled up with Ricky instead, and I'm so glad there's a fellow Italian permanently in the villa now. And to everyone's shock, Shayne came in with a new girl too, a girl called Charlotte.

Liliana was the next to choose, and she chose to stay coupled up with Dougie. But that was a given, it's obvious how much they love each other.

Jodie stayed with Kyle, and Kyle stayed with Jodie. But yet again, that was obvious.

Next was Faye and Noah. They both chose to couple up with someone new. Faye chose Charlie, and Noah chose Eva. Eva seems really nice, she has long, black, wavy hair; and I'm so glad that Noah has found such an amazing girl after I binned him off. He deserves happiness more than anyone.

Then last but not least, it's Asher. She stands up, and Caroline announces devastating news. "Asher, you're currently in a relationship with Taylor. Unfortunately, Taylor had to leave casa amore early this morning due to personal reasons. As a result of this, you can only pick between the new islanders standing in front of you."

I turn to James, hoping it's not true. "I thought you knew." He says, sounding confused. Why didn't anyone tell us in the villa? If they only did this to make it more dramatic for the public then I have a bone to pick with the producers, they can't treat us like this and expect to get away with it.

"No one told us anything." I reply, feeling rather angry.

"I'm sorry," Asher starts, on the edge of tears, "but I can't." I get up immediately and pull her into a hug, showing her the support that she's showed me time and time again. With my arm round her waist still, she turns back to Caroline. "I don't want to stay in here without Taylor, it wouldn't be right. So I'm going to go home."

Everyone gasps and I can hear people whispering to each other. Everyone knew that Asher wanted to make it to the final, but I'm not shocked at all. Asher absolutely adores Taylor, it's no surprise that she wants to go home to be with him, and I fully support her decision, even if I am going to miss her like crazy. "I'll miss you so much." I tell her pulling her into another hug.

"I'll miss you too." She replies with a sob, still encased in my hug. She then pulls away to look me in the eyes, "I came in here to find love, and I'm leaving with a boyfriend and a best friend that I know will be in my life forever. Thank you so much for always being there for me and for making me laugh."

"And thank you calming me down on the verge of an emotional break down." I laugh as I sob, trying to make the most of a sad situation. "I love you Asher." I pull her into one final hug before she gets escorted away.

We all wave from the doorway as she leaves, pulling a suitcase behind her. And when she leaves, I can't keep it together anymore, the tears start flowing and I'm an utter mess. I don't think people really understood how close Asher and I actually were. Obviously we didn't start out on the right foot, but things changed and I genuinely see her like a sister. And I think that's why everyone seems so shocked about how upset I am right now. Everyone except James, Dougie, and Jodie. Dougie and Jodie were there on the rooftop balcony when I was crying over James, they saw Asher comfort me when they couldn't, they knew Asher was being genuine. And James heard me bang on about how much I loved Asher and how amazing I thought she was. They all know that I'm a mess right now, and that's why they're the ones who cradle me instantly when I crumble to the floor, barely able to breathe.

And I know what's happening, it's happened so many times before, but never in the villa. These guys have never seen this happen. They've never seen me have a panic attack.

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