Chapter 9

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By the time I took my shower and came out the bed was dry. Food was on the small table in the middle of the room but I wasn't that hungry. I was confused.

I sigh and take the plate of food and glass of water. I try to think clearly as I eat. Did I like him? No he was an ass! But....but he's just misunderstood as well, so I did? Wait no! Yes? No...?

I put the finished plate on the dresser and lean back on it as I sip the water.

'He's killing innocent people (y/n)! Yeah but....he was tortured to do it. For him it's a better option

But he kidnapped you from everyone! That's because I'm his soulmate

His rudeness?! Loki hasn't had someone to love him properly aside his mom but she died....he's just torn, hurt, and doesn't know who to trust...WHY WAS THIS SO HARD?  HE'S NOT DONE ANYTHING TO MAKE ME FALL FOR HIM YET I FEEL....SO BAD!'

I feel the warm water run down my hand and I shake my head to focus. Wait wasn't my water cold? wasn't water, it was blood. I unclench my fist with a wince as broken shards of glass were stuck into my skin

"Ah fuck fuck fuckkk. I did it again?" I mutter as the red liquid freely went down my hand. I thought I broke this stupid habit! It's became a bad habit to clench anything in my hand when I went into deep thought. Natasha broke me out of it and I thought I broke out of it but I guess old habits never change....

In all my years at Shield I've had worse but it still hurt. AND THE FLOOR WAS ALL WET GOD DAMN IT! I clench my teeth as I pick the shards out, wincing every time.

"Towel towel towellll," I say afterwards as I run to the bathroom to get one. I take it and quickly wipe the water and pick up the glass with my non injured hand. Maybe I should've focused on my hand because the blood was dripping everywhere. I curse to myself as I try to clean up. Key word: Try

"New towel," I tell myself as the first one goes into the trash. I take a smaller ones and wipe up the drops of blood. After I think it's clean I look closely for missed spots.

"I see you are done," Loki says as he walks in. I rapidly place my hand behind my back and put on a smile. The blood from my hand drips onto the floor and I place my foot on it to cover it.

"Yeah...." I say with a nervous laugh.

"What have you done?" He asks walking up to me.

"Nothing," I say with a shrug.

"Darling I'm the God of Lies. At least try harder next time," he scoffs as he crosses his arms. I bite my lips and look down. THERE WAS BLOOD RIGHT NEXT TO HIS FUCKING FOOT, SHIT!

"What..." he mumbles as he follows my gaze. He touches the metallic liquid and observes it. He looks behind my feet as well. I'm screwed....

"Show me your hands," Loki commands.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I commanded you to now show me them!" He says, louder. I clench my hand behind me and look away. He grabs my arm and pulls it towards him. My hand, obviously, follows and he looks at me with a stern look as a drop of blood lands on his shoes.

"What happened?" He asks.

" my period....?" I lie.

"You are a complete idiot," he mumbles as he moves his grip from my arm to my wrist.

"Leave me alone, I can take care of myself," I scoff and pull my arm back.

"I know you can but not when I'm here," he replies quickly and softly as he takes it back. AHEM WHAT DID HE SAY?!

"You are so careless (y/n)," he says with a tsk. The way he said it made it look like he was the one bleeding. He places his hand on it and I pull away.

"You're getting blood on you," I tell him sheepishly.

"I'd rather have it on me then you love," he replies as he steps forward to do whatever he was doing with my hand. I place my uninjured on his chest to stop him while putting the injured one even farther back to try to stop him.

"(Y/n)...." he says warningly as he looks down at me. I don't hear that though, because my brain is to busy processing what he said before that. My eyes scan his to detect any sign of lying. But I couldn't find any.

Where his eyes always that emerald shade? They looked like a secluded, vast forest. And I was it's wanderer, lost. The overview of the forest was amazing, beautiful, alluring. They sucked me in and I let them. It was as if I was being controlled by them as I wandered through the lavish trees like some prey.

Even with this majestic overview the trunks were thin; the demons, sadness, and sorrow had sucked them dry....leaving them empty. They were dying of thirst. Waiting for someone to be patient with them as they water each one by one....but never asked for it.

They didn't want to seem weak. So they gave a powerful overview of lush trees, and area where everything would flourish! When really....that forest was slowly fading....and the deeper you wandered the more that powerful view faded and those lush trees were just tiny branch in disguise; waiting to grow, waiting to be watered, waiting for someone to give them the attention the need to grow to be as big and powerful as the beholder made himself seem.

"There, all better," Loki says as his hand lets go of mine. The blood and all traces of it was gone. I let it fall to my side, my other hand was still on his chest. He says something but I don't bother listening to it. Now that I think of it, he was the better looking one from Thor and him.

"(Y/n), love, stop doing that," He tells me warningly.

"Hmm?" I ask.

"Although I'm your soulmate....I'm.... I'm not a good influence for you. I could never make you happy," Loki says stepping back. I could clearly see that his facade had faded. His true side was out. Along with that, I see the forest fade a bit more as I give him a small smile.

"Yet here I am, falling for you when I shouldn't be," I say lightly as I step closer. What was I doing? I didn't know either....but it felt right for some reason....

"You don't get it (y/n). I'm a mo-monster," he stutters and steps back, letting my hands slide off him and to my side. His look now fades as he turns blue. His emerald eyes are now a ruby red and his skin is covered in markings.

I look at him in amazement as I reach out to touch him. Instead of letting me, he backs away even more.

"I'm a frost giant (y/n), I'm not meant to be touched," He tells me.

"Is that so?" I ask. I quickly step forward and take his face in my hands. My body and brain immediately told me to let go from the burning feeling. Yes, burning. For the short amount of time my hands were on his cheek, I felt like someone had just chopped my hand off. But in a few seconds I felt nothing. That's even worse.

Loki quickly retracts and turn back into his "human" form.

"(Y/n) you imbecile!" Loki says with frustration as he takes my hand. I couldn't bend my hands, I felt like they'd shatter into small pieces.

"Does it hurt a lot?" He asks, looking at my bluish grey skin. I bite the inside of my cheek and shake my head.

"Horrible liar," he says under his breath as he begins heal my hands...again.

"I don't know what in Odin's beard went through your stupid mind to do that!" He groans softly yet quickly.

"Sorry," I say with a small chuckle. He sighs and places his arm around my waist. Last time I didn't like it, but I guess I'd let him this time.

"Do not harm yourself in anyway again!....ok?" He tells me, resting his forehead on mine. Looks like my "Yes No" argument ended with a yes...

Ok so y'all really gonna hate for what's gonna happen in the few future chapters, just a heads up hehe 😇
Also imma just promo KNK at the top rq 😌

Fish Lips (LokixReader)(Soulmate Au) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon