Chapter 25

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"GUYS LOOK AT THIS FUCKING CREATION!" Tony yells as he holds up an Iron Man figure I made of gold and ruby. I simply smiled as I leaned against him.

"You can make those?" Thor asks. Everyone besides Loki and Steve were sitting on the couch watching tv. Meanwhile, I had accompanied Tony while he worked on his suit.

I got bored just watching so I decided to make something and his suit was right in front of me.

"I can make anything that comes from the earth," I tell him. The automatic doors open and Steve walks in.

"Shower or work out?" I question.

"Shower because I finished my workout," he smirks, but then peers at me. "Did you workout too?"

"No why?" I question.

"You look exhausted," Steve mumbles.

"Because she made that fucking figurine," Natasha speaks up from her spot. Steve widens his eyes as he looks at the figure in Tony's hand.

"What...figurine...." Tony trails as he slowly hid it behind him.

"Tony how stupid are you?" Steve asks, his voice growing.

"Ca....can we speak quieter?" I ask. I didn't even know if I said that correctly. I shouldn't have made that figure this early.

"Tony you moron she gets weaker when she uses her powers and you had her make something out of gold and rubies?!" He yells.

"I didn't ask for it! It was a surprise!" Tony argues back.

"It was a gift Steve, I just need some food and rest," I tell him.

"You can never do anything correctly can you?" Steve asks Tony bitterly. Tony goes to say something but then closes his mouth. Since I was leaning on him I could see the look in his eyes change.

His eyes held a look I knew too well, a look of sadness.

"Come on (y/n)," Steve says and picks me up bridal style.

"I got the food!" Thor says as he holds junk food.

"No you don't," Natasha replies as she holds some vegetables and fruits. Thor slowly waves at me but I focus on Tony who's lost in thought.

"You were too harsh....." I whisper, looking up at him.

"He can't use your health to his benefit," Steve grits, not bothering to look at me.

"But he didn't. I'm the one who chose to make it, he didn't have anything to do with it," I explain.

"Did he ask what you were doing at any point?" He asks. I mean he did ask once....

I nod my head and Steve asks another question.

"Your reply?"

"I told him I was making something," I answer.

"Did he tell you to stop? To not use your powers?"


"Exactly," Steve sighs as he walks into my new room. After I shot everything and passed out I was given another room.

"Eat," Natasha orders and throws an apple at me.

"Why are you acting so pissed?" I ask her.

"I'm not," She answers.

"Should I stay with her?" Steve asks Natasha.

"The last time I left you two alone you guys fucked," Natasha points out. Me and Steve exchange a quick glance.

Fish Lips (LokixReader)(Soulmate Au) Where stories live. Discover now