Chapter 5

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Earth 23- Hall of Injustice

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Earth 23- Hall of Injustice

The steel grey interior of the hideout was a mostly bare, blocky, more spartan version of the Hall of Justice on Batman's Earth. Simple balustrades spanned second floor walkways, and tall square pillars rose to the ceiling. A network of large rectangular skylights, some with a convex semicircular design, offered views of the turbulent dark clouds above.

Owlman sat at his spacious bronze-hued desk. Its top was the same general shape as the curved Owlman icon, and the Oscillator lay before him.

Opposite him was a man in a blue short sleeved top and pants. The man stood with his black gloved arms crossed, seemingly unimpressed. He tilted his head, covered by a bird beak-like cap, and his eyes were obscured by a black mask with white eyeholes.

Beside him stood a man who seemed even more displeased. His cowl and bodysuit were red, and his boots and gloves were black. A wide upside down black V-shaped design covered his torso. He sighed and looked to Owlman warily.

"How is this going to be any different than last time?" the man in red muttered.

The blue-clad man looked from him to Owlman. "Yeah. And didn't you lose Doctor Hate already?"

Owlman leaned forward and eyed the others in silence for a moment.

"Because this time we're eliminating all Earths except one without any superheroes. Blue Bowman. Dyna-Mite. I'm paying you both double your usual fee." He paused a moment in thought. "Doctor Hate was just a pawn."

Bowman huffed in annoyance and clenched his fists. "Are we pawns too?"

Dyna-Mite gave a noncommittal sound and pursed his lips when a hulking figure emerged from the shadows from behind Owlman's sleek desk. He was barely visible, save for his intense yellow eyes with red pupils.

"Though it pains me to work with humans-" an exceedingly aggressive voice rumbled. "We already have the hero-less Earth's data in the Oscillator thanks to Owlman's trip."

A giant hand put a black metal box on the desk. The mysterious man then deftly grabbed the Oscillator and set the back end of it to click into place into a circular connection point on the box's top.

The dark figure pulled in a deep breath with a faint whistle of air. "The final steps are to infuse the Oscillator with enough infrasound to eradicate all other alternate Earths. And to release that power from an extremely high point with a powerful electrical source."

Bowman and Dyna-Mite looked to each other, then to Owlman and the mysterious figure in wonder.

"It's beyond the comprehension of humans, but my superior intellect has made this possible," he boasted, rising a bit taller. "Our first stop is to a power source in my Earth's Gotham. Though it is the Earth where Batman resides, I will ensure he no longer troubles us again!"

Owlman rose, eyed his two hired men, and operated the altered Oscillator to form a portal, and the others moved to enter.

Owlman rose, eyed his two hired men, and operated the altered Oscillator to form a portal, and the others moved to enter

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Gotham City- Batcave

Batman pushed a button on his Oscillator, but before he could continue, an electronic alarm sounded on his Batcomputer, accompanied by large red text proclaiming 'Alert'.

Everyone turned in surprise, Batman lowered the Oscillator, then strode to his computer and tapped a keyboard button. The alarm and text message ended, and Batman reviewed the incoming info grimly.

"Change of plans," he said tensely. "I've picked up a Phase Oscillator portal just now in Gotham."

Alex looked surprised, then relieved, hands on her hips. Sam and Clover wore similar expressions.

"Wow, good thing we didn't leave earlier!" Alex said.

"I've got to get there, fast," Batman said, and dashed to the Batmobile.

He hopped in the driver's seat and pressed a button to cause the engine to roar to life.

"Shotgun!" the girls called out in unison, dashing to the passenger side.

"You three can stay here. Not enough room in here," Batman said, glancing at them.

His eyes widened slightly when he saw modest-sized tapered steel-grey wings extend from the sides of Alex's and Sam's backpacks. Thrusters shot fire out of the bottom of each, not affecting them thanks to their catsuits. Sam gave a satisfied smile to him.

"Or we could follow you by jetpack!"

"I can still take shotgun," Clover said hopefully.

Batman thought a moment, looking from the girls into the darkness far ahead, towards the cave's exit.

"Follow me!" he replied, then shot down the man-made path.

Clover's expression fell, but she quickly shook it off and extended her jetpack wings and ignited the pack's flame.

The spies blasted off and followed a safe distance behind, yet close enough to keep sight of the car. Alfred and Ace watched them go, then the man gave a nod to the dog before returning to his duties.

 Alfred and Ace watched them go, then the man gave a nod to the dog before returning to his duties

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A/N: In the Scooby-Doo & Batman: The Brave and the Bold movie, Mystery Inc. and Scooby all fit in the Batmobile. However, the Batman: BatB series never shows the car having more seating space than for one other person. For purposes of this story, I went with that. :) Thanks for your support!

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