Chapter Twenty-Four: Goodbye to a Friend

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The doctor tended to Kismet’s wounds, as he had done to all the other survivors, and it wasn’t long before Kismet had a steady crutch put together for him. His leg was badly deformed from the fall, as well as the bear injury, but he was grateful that there was no need to remove it. Sometime during their journey, Kismet questioned Shirley about his parents, but she refused to tell him. The tale was too sad and terrible to speak of. In return, Kismet never told her about her mother, he said she died in the flood, but he, too, couldn’t explain how he felt and what he saw when he found her. It was a long, weary journey to the other town, but each and every one of them made it. The people of the new town greeted them warmly, and hearing that they had lived through the hurricane, they were even more generous to them and offered them their homes, food, and medical care.  

            Kismet and Prestige stayed at the inn, where they were treated with the best of attention. Prestige slept under Kismet’s bed every night, and just like back home, he was there in the morning. Slowly, but assuredly, Kismet’s leg healed nicely enough for him to walk. He could never run as well as he had in the past, for the shattered bone had shorten his leg so much that he had to have a custom shoe designed. The boy didn’t mind, he could still walk, and that was all that mattered. The next year brought the old town hope and more success than they all had ever imagined. New friends were made and old friendships rekindled. For Kismet, his relationship with Shirley grew into a deep friendship, which he could only dream of becoming a strong relationship. However, Shirley felt different after the hurricane, and she knew it wasn’t going to work out.

           “I’m sorry, Kismet,” Shirley said one evening as they sat on the dock that extended over a small lake.

            Kismet’s feet stopped swirling in the water and he stared at Shirley in confusion. “About what” He watched her lips intently. By the way her eyebrows slanted towards her temples, and the way she held her mouth, he knew something was wrong. He scooted next to her and placed an arm about her waist. He moved a strand from her face and kissed her cheek. “Tell me.”

                Shirley leaned her head against Kismet’s shoulder. How could she tell him that she didn’t want to be with him anymore? The feelings she had for him had changed. She didn’t like anyone else, but she didn’t feel like he belonged to her. She needed someone who didn’t have to depend on her. Shirley smoothed his bangs and locked eyes on him. She knew he could read eyes well, and if he could understand her decision right then, she wouldn’t have to say a thing.

                “Why, Shirley? Who is he?”

            Shirley turned away and flicked the water with her toes. She looked back up at him and shook her head slowly. “No one, Kismet, I just don’t feel like I can be what you need.”

             Kismet smirked and tried to hide his hurt. He knew she wasn’t leaving him because he couldn’t hear, she had proven that she overlooked that. “But, I love you.”

            The girl threw her face into her hands. “No, please don’t say that, Kismet! Please!” She dropped her hands and turned a tear stained face to him. Snuffling, she repeated so that he could read her.s “I do not love you. I love you as a friend. But during the hurricane, I had to rethink. I’m not for you, you deserve better.”

           Desperate to keep her, he placed gentle hands on her face and pulled her towards him. “Stay. I want no one but you.”

              Shirley shook her head and returned his hands by his side. “I can’t do this to you, or to me.” The girl gave him a firm kiss on the forehead, stood up, and left. That was the last time they spoke ever spoke to each other.

            It was a hard night for Kismet. He locked himself in his room and didn’t allow anyone inside, not even Jovie or Prestige. He had loved Shirley dearly, ever since he had locked eyes on her. He believed her to the only woman for him. And just like that, she had gone clean out of his life.  He needed someone to blame, and the one that came to mind was Prestige. I love the wolf more than her! That was my mistake. I ain’t letting it happen again. With a hateful plan seeded in his mind, Kismet unlatched his door and whistled for Prestige. Momentarily, the red wolf appeared. Kismet chewed on his lip until it bled. I can’t do this. But I have to. Kismet tossed his head towards the stairs that led down to the inn’s main room.

            Prestige obeyed the gesture and walked in front of Kismet all the way out the door. Once they were out, Kismet walked towards the woods. His mind was set on going outside the town’s limits, where he wished to tell Prestige to stay in the wild and never come back. Tears collected in the boy’s eyes, and he knew what he was doing should have never been imagined, but there was a pain in his heart, and he knew no other way to rid of it, except freeing what he believed had been the cause. The wolf sensed there was something wrong, but he was only an animal, and assumed that his master was going on a long walk. An hour passed, and Kismet, seeing that they were far enough, dropped to one knee and stroked the wolf’s neck.

              “You stay here. Don’t you follow me or nothing like that. You hear?”

              Prestige whimpered and licked the end of Kismet’s nose.

             “Don’t be like that. Stay.” Kismet held a hand out, showing Prestige the flat palm. “Stay.” The boy began moving away, repeating the command.

           Being the loyal animal Prestige was, he obeyed Kismet. In his mind, he believed Kismet was only training him, and that he would whistle for him soon. But the boy never did, instead, the boy ran back to the town. The wolf stood up, but didn’t leave his mark. He loved Kismet too much to upset him. The wolf stayed. And just like Kismet had planned, the wolf did not follow him back to the inn. 

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