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Adaire's warning

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Adaire's warning

"YOU NEED TO call her in."

Adaire Barebone didn't look up from the papers spread across her desk, brushing a piece of her curly black hair behind her ear, "No."

"Adaire, I'm serious." Snarled her sister, the Elemental witch pacing back and forth the room. It was a decently sized space but the sparking anger from Narcissa made it feel much smaller.

"And so am I," Adaire finally looked up from the paper she'd been reading, looking at the barely contained fire that pulsated beneath Narcissa's veins. "She has always been carving her own path from the moment Olivia died and now she has obligations to her Ranju. I can't just call her back because a scout thinks they may or may not have seen a Forsaken witch. Besides, I thought you didn't want anything to with Maev."

Narcissa finally sat down, lounging on the chair as if it were a throne instead of a flimsy piece of plastic. "I don't want anything to do with her, but she's the only one of us who's actually fought them and that information is invaluable."

"When she was younger," Adaire reminded her sister, "it's been nearly ten years since the incident and the remaining Forsaken are scattered across the globe. I acknowledge your anger but I will not call her in on a whim, have one of your generals look into if you wish. You and I both know that the last time Maev was called in on council matters it was a disaster. Hardly any of the top covens know how to deal with her and you know the rumors that float around—"

Narcissa snorted, "What? That she apparently Settled twice? That she neglects her duty as a Sister? That she is a ticking time bomb? Or do you want me to dig deeper and talk about the classic one where everyone thinks Olivia—"

"Narcissa," Adaire narrowed her eyes in warning, her eyes flashing a bright silver that would make any other witch cower.

But Narcissa was used to her sister and just rolled her eyes, standing up abruptly. "Whatever. Forget I even stopped by." And then the Elemental witch prowled out of the Bone witch's office, taking all the warmth with her.

Adaire leaned back into her chair, drumming her fingers on her thigh in an even rhythm. She stared into space, thinking and mulling over several possibilities before finally pulling a white rope from one of her many drawers. It was thin and finely woven, perfect for her to complete her task.

Adaire closed her eyes, tilting her head to the side as she summoned her magic to the surface. The air in her office dropped several degrees to the point where her breath was visible in plumages that rose a few inches before vanishing. Her skin was leeched of any warmth and her lips gained a bluish tint that would've been alarming to anyone else.

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