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"I'm not going." I said flatly to Kayla.

"Come on, Leah!" She exclaimed, hands in the air as if what I told her was the most ridiculous thing she heard. "We have to! This only comes around once, ever."

I shook my head. "Nope." I told her turning my attention back to my laptop trying to find something new to binge watch on Netflix. It was Friday night already and I wanted to just stay in after my last eventful days. Netflix was there to fill the void. 

After what happened during Biology class, Nate hasn't been around Kayla and I as much. He would greet us briefly, but always made himself seem busy. Nor did he sit with us at lunch. It looked like he made some new friends ever since he returned to town. Truthfully, I felt kind of disappointed in that. But this is what I wanted. 

Isn't this what I wanted, right?


Jace on the other hand kept with his constant pestering. He would make it his mission to grab my attention in every class we had together. Of course eyes started to wander and people were starting to notice our interactions. This caused questions to start its circulating around about us. But it didn't bother me as this 'situation' was only temporary.

I just have to say, thank god Kayla didn't notice what happened in Biology or else she would literally have me locked in my room interrogating me with question after questions. She would make it into one of those interrogation scenes. Dark room with one light shining at me, wearing a serious expression and throwing shit around to scary me into telling the truth. You know, like the ones we see in crime shows.

She's intense.

Focusing back onto my laptop, I continue to browse through the library filled with shows and movies. I watched almost every new show Netflix had to offer at the moment. Maybe, I could rewatch a show, it wouldn't hurt.  I mean I could definitely rewatch Teen Wolf.

Stiles, honey, where can I find someone like you? 

As I was deciding if I should or shouldn't watch Teen Wolf  then deciding if I should start from the beginning all over again for the fourth time or do something new and watch it backwards, I mean watching it backward would mean I could see my favorites come back to life, my laptop was slammed shut and pulled off my lap.

"Hey!" I was caught by surprise from those actions 

Kayla stood there with her hands on her hips and a grimace on her face. "No Stiles tonight. We are going to the bonfire."

I rolled my eyes and laid back on my bed. She took my husband away. "Why do we have to go?" Seriously, this bonfire was just one huge party for the seniors and since I don't really go to parties it wouldn't harm me if I didn't go to this one.

"Because!" She exclaimed once more not explaining herself at all.

"Because?" I questioned tossing on of my pillows up in the air and catching in my hands.

"Because we're seniors and we're finally able to go to this thing. I've waited eighteen years to go to this and you will not stop us from going!" She huffed taking the pillow out of my hands and smacking me square in the face with it.

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