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"Leah? Earth to Leah?" A voice said, trying to bring me out of my day dreaming. I was just to deep in to care for the voice.

"Ow!" I yelped and looked at the perpetrator who pinched my cheek. I rubbed my cheek soothingly. Damn that hurt.

"Finally, what the heck has you so lost in your head ?" Kayla asked curiously. We were currently sitting at my kitchen table working on an English assignment that was due tomorrow.

I looked down at my paper only to see a blank sheet staring back at me. Not a single word was written on it.

"Leah, what were you day dreaming about?" Kayla asked once more trying to pry some information out of me.

A blush rise to my cheeks as the memories came rushing back flooding every inch of my mind.

"Didn't think I would let you go twice in one day, did you?" Jace said a devious smile played on his lips.

I glanced up to his face. He had recently showered the tips of his hair was still slightly damp and brushed slightly across his forehead. The scent of his body wash filled my senses. Does he use Axe body wash? It smells like it.

Leah, not the time.

I stepped back to put some space between us. We were just a little too close for my liking. "Should I remind you that I was actually kidnapped?" I told him.

"Uh, funny. I see that you didn't make an attempt to escape." He said with a quirked eyebrow.

"Sorry. Unlike you, your friends are actually fun." I threw the insult directly at him.

Jace's face flashed fake hurt as he place a hand on his heart. "Excuse me? You think those idiots are fun?"

"Excuse me, they are not idiots." I defended as I crossed my arms across my chest. Okay maybe they are, but just a little bit.

"Thanks Leah!" I heard a voice yell from afar. Sounded like Luke.

I shook my head, but couldn't help the smile that landed on my face. They really are idiots.

Jace shook his head also. He grabbed my arm and tugged me towards the exit of the building. "As great as this day has been," Jace said with sarcasm laced in his voice. "It's late and we have to get you home."

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and looked at the time. 8:50pm it read. Crap. I was too wrapped up with the guys that I didn't realize the time. My mom is going to kill me.

Jace led us to his black Audi RS 5. I will never get over how gorgeous that car is. He held open the passenger door and allowed me to slide into the seat. I let my body settle into the smooth leather of the seat.

He started the car allowing it to roar to life and pulled out onto the main road. "Don't fall asleep, yet." He warned sparing me a pointed look.

"I'm not gonna fall asleep." I said defensively as I returned the look.

"Address." He demanded.

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