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"So, either one of you want to tell me why I was kidnapped?" I asked the two handsome guys sitting in front of me as my eyes shifted between them curiously. I picked a fry off my plate and took a bite.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ian questioned as he took a sip of Coke from his glass and rested his back against the booth. I narrowed my eyes towards him. I absolutely hate it when someone answers a question with another question. 

After our successful escape from a furious Jace, we were all starving from our adventure and decided to stop a one of the local diners in the area. The guys said to order anything I wanted that it was their treat. Hey, who am I to pass up a free meal. So, of course I ordered a burger with fries, a milkshake and dessert and maybe another burger, but I'll take that one to go.

Okay, don't judge.

After that workout I need to to refuel. 

"No, not really." I answered popping a few more of the hot fries into my mouth. I've never once spoke to Ian or Luke in the eighteen years of my life, so the fact that the two are sitting in front of me is just odd as odd can be.

"We just want to hang out with you." Luke spoke up stirring the straw in his drink slowly. "You ditched us the last time, not cool, by the way."

"But why?" I questioned again. "I didn't ditch you, that something you will have to take up with your friend." I told them referring to Jace. 

Ian took a fry off his plate and flicked it at my forehead causing a grease stain to be left behind. I cut him a deadly glare and took a napkin to wipe it off. "Because you are the first girl Jace as ever consistently spoken to for more than a week. You know his reputation with girls. There has to be something special about you and we're here to find out how you were able to keep him locked down."

Locked down? They made it sound like I had Jace locked away in a cage. Which is not a bad thing for the female population. 

"And we all know those are just a one night stands." Luke added.

I scrunched my face in disgust at the thought of Jace's conquests. " You guys aren't any better." Jace may be a pro at playing the field, but so were his best friends. "It's honestly not what you guys think."

Crumpling the napkin I tossed it at Ian's head, small payback for the fry. In return it caused a smirk to fill his lips.

"But I do think it's cute that you guys are looking out for your best friend." I cooed causing the boys to now scrunch their faces in disgust.

"We are not doing that." Luke said.

"We are not 'cute'." Ian said at the same time.

I couldn't help but laugh at their protest. "Then how would you describe yourselves?"

"Hot." Luke spoke up.

"Sexy." Ian added.

"Mind blowing." Luke said sending a wink my way. I choked on the sip of the milkshake I had in my mouth as I hold in my laughter. Wow. 

"You boys are really full of yourselves, aren't you?" I asked and they just shrugged their shoulders.

"I would like to say we're confident." Ian answered. "Some people find that intimidating. Others find it attractive."

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