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I looked up from tying my shoes to see Amy walking out of her front door. I gaped at how good she looked in the outfit that we (mostly she) had chosen.

She was wearing a simple white button up with no sleeves, the shirt tucked into her black skinny jeans. She was wearing some black Converse wedges, the heels so high that she looked Samantha's height. Her black-rimmed glasses didn't hide her greenish-brown eyes that sparkled in the morning sun. Her make up was simple; eyeliner, foundation, and nude lipstick. Her auburn hair was in a messy bun at the top of her head, showing all of her beautiful face. Last but not least, the red bow tie and black and white plaid suspenders.

I was wearing the same thing except for my black Air Jordan's and my normal messy hairdo. I had even bought fake glasses that looked like Amy's just for this outfit, all because she asked me too.

West was right. I was whipped.

Amy smiled brightly before fixing the strap on her backpack. "Hey knight! You look nice from up here!"

I laughed. "You're almost as tall as Samantha, shortie. How tall are those things?"

She smiled. "Six inches. I didn't want to look so tiny next to you when we spoke. Besides, these are super cute!"

I nodded my head. "Let's go, then. We have to take pictures anyway."

She smiled. I grabbed her waist and lifted her into the car, not wanting her to break an ankle when stepping on the high steps. She thanked me as I closed the door for her. I ran over to the driver's side with only one thought in my mind.

School's going to be interesting for her, I'm sure.


No one in my school knows how to shut the fuck up.

I mean, seriously? I walk in with my friend, who just-so-happened to be a girl that is as cute as Amy, and everyone thinks that we're the best couple in the whole school. Yeah, matching is cute, but it's only cute because Amy made it cute. In fact, screw it, they all look like trash compared to us!

I forgot what my point was...

Right! Get a life people! Or at least stay out of mine.

When it was time for both of us to present in History, Amy was really nervous. She kept fiddling with her hands, chewing her bottom lip, staying close to my side (which I didn't mind at all), and tripping over air.

As soon as we made it in front of the room, she looked up and almost screamed, I'm sure. Her face looked so scared and surprised that I was honestly worried about her. I whispered a few encouraging words to her, which most people misunderstood and thought that I was flirting, and she instantly calmed down.

I guess I have that calming affect on people.

We easily explained the whole Progressive Era, adding extra facts (looking all professional in our nerdy outfits), and actually got applause. Like, literal clapping of the hands for our good work from multiple children in the class.

Yeah, that type of applause? The one an audience gives at the end of a show? The regular kind? The only kind? We got that.

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