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"Two popcorns please," I said softly to the man working the concessions stand.

He smiled at me and gave me the popcorns. "On the house."

I smiled brightly in thanks and took the popcorns. "Thanks."

"Anything for 'Future Mrs. Knight'."'

I giggled and waved. "Have a nice day."

I started to walk away when I bumped into something hard. I looked up and frowned slightly when I saw four guys crowded around me. Each of them looked a little scrawny compared to all of the boxers I saw roaming around, but they were still muscular. They were all glaring at me like I killed their dog which made me gulp down the sudden lump of fear in my throat.

"You with Maximus?" One of them asked.

He looked to be the scrawniest of the bunch, and the most unkempt, but they all seemed to have a a certain respect for him.

"W-what?" I whispered in fear.

He chuckled darkly. "You heard me, princess. I ask you a question now answer it."

"I-I'm confused," I mumbled.

He snickered with the rest of his friends. "Idiot. You're bettin' on the guy that always wins, right? Well guess what? He ain't gonna. Not with Crusher on our team."

I gulped again and felt my hands start to shake. I really hated confrontation.


"W-what?" He mimicked. "I said Maximus is gonna lose, bitch! You're bettin' on the wrong guy. You should be ashamed that you're even showin' you ugly ass face in front of us."

I felt the tears start to prick at the back of my eyes. "I'm not betting on anybody." Finally, a full sentence.

He turned to the rest of his friends and mouthed a few words before turning to me. "Give us your popcorn."

Excuse me, dick? My food? He better be prepared to get kicked in the balls if he wants my fucking popcorn. "What?" I asked instead of speaking my thoughts.

"You deaf? The damn popcorn, give it to us. I ain't gonna ask again."

"You're gonna have to fellas 'cause I couldn't hear ya from up here," a familiar deep and scary voice said from behind me.

"Are you fucking unicorns?" One of the guys asked as he started to laugh.

I turned around to see Kace and Axel standing behind me with their arms crossed. Axel lightly grabbed onto my shoulder and pushed me behind him while Kace got in the scrawniest guy's face while cracking his knuckles.

"Are you seriously messing with a girl?" He asked, though it didn't seem like he wanted the real answer.

"She's bettin' on the wrong team." What the fuck does that even mean?

"So what? You're gonna steal her popcorn? You're gonna call her a bitch?"

"You shouldn't be talking, unicorn boy. Go back to your fairy forest and poop some rainbows, okay?" Another boy said as he got into Kace's face.

"Right after I kick all of your asses," Kace growled before punching the scrawny guy in the face.

I screeched in fear and hid further behind Axel. The only fights that I were expecting that day were the ones in the ring. I wasn't ready for a fight to break out over something stupid, like me betting on the wrong person. Even though I had no clue what that even meant. Max was my boyfriend, not some random game at some random casino.

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